150. Master Wang Has Arrived

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He thought that she was just shy back then.

However, he saw that she checked into a hotel with an old man.

It showed him that everything she did in past was just pretense!

He felt that he was taken for a ride.

She was just a scheming sult, how could she say something like this?

Qiao Nian looked up at Qiao Chen. She saw how ''angry'' she was as she fidgeted around insecurely. She rolled her eyes and said, ''You're right, I've gone too far. I've gone too far in being kind to you guys. I've treated you too nicely.''

Qiao Chen felt that she meant something else and started to get worried.

She clenched her fists as she couldn't understand why she would say such things to her.

So what if her biological father was a professor from Qing University and not a teacher in Luohe County.

At the end of the day, he was just a teacher with some connections. That was all.

What was the big deal, anyway?

Could he ever compare with the connections with the real elites of the society?

Her family owned a misted company and was supported by Cheng Feng Corporation.

The president of Cheng Feng Corporation, Yuan Yongqin, was from Beijing and had a say in the upper society.

Did Qiao Nian think that just because her father was a professor from the Qing University, she could threaten her?

''What a joke!"

''Sister, we just meant well for you. Even if you... don't want to take our advice, you shouldn't make such a big deal out of it.''


Qiao Nian was utterly disgusted by her.

She continued to fiddle around with her phone and then texted Yuan Yongqin. After that, she kept her phone, looked coldly at them, and asked, ''Are you guys done?"

Fu Ge was speechless.

So was Qiao Chen.

What kind of attitude was this!

Qiao Nian couldn't bother to look at them anymore and walked towards the road to look for the kid's car.

However, even though she wanted to leave, someone didn't want her to go. He even wanted her to stay and explain explain.

''Qiao Nian, stop right there! Come back with me and I'll bring you to your adopted parents. They will talk some sense into you.''

Fu Ge then ran towards her and pulled her back.

Qiao Nian's eyes turned cold. He had touched her hand, and her allergic reaction erupted.

She swung his hand away and her eyes filled with anger. She yelled. ''Buzz off!"

She was pissed.

If they continued pestering her, she would have to do something drastic and dangerous to them.

Fu Ge didn't know that the situation was turning was dangerous and continued, ''Come back with me...''

However, before he could touch Qiao Nian again, his arm was gripped by someone.

''Did the Fu family teach you to be a nuisance in public?"

Qiao Nian recognized thus voice. It was Ye Wangchuan.

He was wearing a grey shirt. Even though he didn't put much effort into his dressing, he looked way better then Fu Ge even though it took a lot of effort for Fu Ge to look even this much.

Fu Ge backed down when Ye Wangchuan appeared.

''Ye, Young Master Ye?" Fu Ge was shocked. He didn't expect to meet Ye Wangchuan.

They were related to each other. Ye Wangchuan's cousin was married to his brother. However, she died a long time ago in labor.

Both families argued with each other over this.

The Ye family didn't give the child to his brother even though he was the surviving parent. The kid was raised in Beijing and followed the mom's family name of Ye.

He had only seen Young Master Ye only once in his life during the wedding.

Young Master Ye was the pinnacle of  Beijing's social circle. There were many important and powerful people at the wedding, and most of them were people that the Fu family could never match up to.

However, those people would be humble and respectful when facing Ye Wangchuan. Completely different from their proud expressions when interacting with the Fu family.

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