19 ∞ No Children

143 25 5

Day 00004 Mission Nilex

When it came to the itinerary for dropping the seed pods, Canaisis had thought out the most efficient course, using the Birkland currents to sail to each star. But what caught Gareth's attention was that Earth had planned for them to go into orbit of each planet.

"Canaisis, any reason why we need to go in-system to make these drops?" he asked aloud. "The seed pods don't have any specific requirements that I saw."

"The seed pods are automatic once they enter the atmosphere, Captain. We merely have to get them there."

"Yes, I know. But what I mean is, why are we going into orbit? As far as I can tell, the seed pods are quite capable of going in-system themselves if we set them on the right course. They're capable of staying dormant for years without negative effects, so why does Earth want us to take the time to travel in-system?"

"I do believe you're correct, Captain. As long as the seed pods enter at the proper angle, they'll survive entering the atmosphere. Speed is another factor, but that's easily calculated. I could easily set them free much further out, saving us considerable time. It would, in some cases, add years to their arrival to the planet, based on how far out we release them."

"I'm not really concerned about adding a decade to a project lasting centuries. Recalculate with the criteria of releasing them as far out as possible with a travel time no greater than fifteen years."

"Aye, Captain. We can reduce our travel time by fourteen-point-two months."

This didn't make sense. Earth should have been smarter than this—a year was a year by anyone's book. Canaisis could handle it all, and he wouldn't have to come out of cold sleep this way, since he usually made it a point of being awake when entering a star system.

The Universe was an unforgiving place, especially around stars. Between the stars was just as dangerous, but at least there the variables didn't change much. Star systems could be very unpredictable.

"Canaisis, anything unusual about those seed pods so far?"

"No, Captain, and I have been keeping an eye on them."

He grunted and sat back. "Alright. Lay out the new course plots—let's look them over."

The image expanded to show the stars and a dotted line of their projected course. It wasn't straight, but bowed and curved from following the galactic currents. One of the major currents on the last drop flowed very close to New Jordan, triggering a thought. "Canaisis, if we change the criteria of the last seed pod, can we remain in the current when we make the drop? How much travel time would that add to the seed pod?"

"Yes, Captain. We can remain in the current when we drop, but it will incur a seed pod travel time of thirty years."

"But save us a month of ship-time."

"Four weeks, six days," Canaisis answered.

Making a drop so far out-system meant some very careful calculations and no room for error. "Can we make such a drop and successfully intercept the planet, Canaisis?"

"If I take a few hours to make observations, I can make a successful intercept. This system has no asteroid belts and only three planetary bodies to contend with."

Gareth nodded. "Then it sounds like we have a course, Canaisis. I want to get to New Jordan as soon as possible. In fact, create a secondary course, one where we stop at New Jordan before the last seed pod."

"Shall I increase thrust, Captain?"

"Not today, but start looking at the magnetic lines. If we can get away from Sol sooner, then good."

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One: The Last Living Ship ∞ 1: A New MissionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora