Chapter 33

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"What do you think your doing?!" Lo's mother screeched, angrily. "You know Lo, I really do not support your early mating. God, Masha is still 15 and now your gonna tell me that he is pregnant!!!"

"Um, I just have my birthday last week so I'm 16 now..." I murmur softly, but shriek out of fear when she glared back at me.

"That's beside the point!" She snarled, then look back at Lo. "It doesn't change the fact that Masha is still young. Do you even think, that something bad might happened to him? Getting pregnant at a young age is risky. Not to add that he's a boy. Tsk, I can't possibly imagine what might happen.... And now that the Elders is coming to checked up on you...ugh its all messed up Louis... And I'm afraid on whatever it might bring to all of us.."

Lo remained quiet for a while just holding me tightly in his arms. Then he suddenly look at his mother. And we all gasp when we saw how determined he is.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to Masha, to the pack and to my child. I won't rest, till the time that every person in the Council accept us. And I'm ready to sacrifice my own life if needed."

We look at him, totally baffled. And I felt that my heart seems to skip a beat when I saw him move his eyes and look at me seriously.

"Lo..." I whispered as I brought my smaller hand and put over his.

"I can't believe it..." Snapping back my gaze at Lo's mother, I saw her shook her head while she slowly wobble on her feet and sat down in front of us. She leaned back on her chair and look up the ceiling. "Fuck Louis, what the heck am I gonna do with you?!" She mutter silently, then look back at us. A smirk is slowly making way on her lips. "Go get them then son. But be brave and brace yourself. A lot of them will be knocking on our door." She state sternly, then huffed tiredly. "And don't let them know first on Masha's situation. Its dangerous. For now, we still doesn't have any idea on who to trust. And you Masha, I need to train you as the new Luna. Although, we need to make it slow. Step by step. Your pregnant after all, and its dangerous for you..."

I nod my head, and smiled at her awkwardly.


I'm still shaken by the whole thing when Lo slowly stir me in our room and help me to lie down. Everything are so overwhelming and scary. And now, I'm left pondering on what to do. I'm afraid on what might happened to Lo, once the Elders arrived.

Suddenly, I felt the bed creak behind me while Lo's warm arm wrapped over my waist and he pulled me over his strong chest.

"Sorry..." He murmured behind me while he tightened his hold on me. "Sorry for getting you in this mess. Although, I'm not sorry that I got you pregnant because I'm happy that your carrying my child... And even though, its selfish in my part. I won't change everything that happened to the both of us since I've met you. That you're my mate. That we completed the mating.. that your pregnant with my child....."

I don't know since when I'm start crying. I just felt the tears, falling from my eyes as I grip his arms with my hands. "Lo..." I stammer out, between my cries.

"Shhh, baby... I'm here. I won't leave you.... and I'm going to protect you, always."

I choked from so much emotions that swelled within me. Turning my body, I nuzzle my face on his chest while I throw my arms around him. Wishing that this warmth that I'm feeling right now, will remain here with me. Within my arms. That everything will turn out as a nightmare, and we will wake up.

I really hope so..



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