thirty one

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"Come on mum, we'll be late!"

Nancy was pushing the pram through the streets of Small Heath, Vincent running along in front of her checking his pocket watch that Arthur had given him every five seconds, reminding her that they were going to be late.

She knew that the three of them were running late, but that was simply because Tobias was screaming for hours, refusing to eat or sleep, meaning Nancy hadn't had a spare moment to get herself or the boys dressed.

Nevertheless, the family had made it out the house only twenty minutes later than they were supposed to, which was an achievement, even if Vincent did have odd socks on.

There was a gathering at The Garrison that night for friends and family to celebrate an expansion of the Shelby Company Limited overseas. Arthur had told Nancy all about it, multiple times, but she'd been too exhausted to understand everything he was talking about after taking care of a newborn baby all day.

The three of them arrived at the pub shortly after leaving the house. Vincent pushed open the door with both his hands, holding it open so his mother could push the pram inside.

"You made it! Come here you, look at your socks you bloody idiot!"

John grabbed Vincent and picked him up, sitting the child on his hip and tickling his legs, pulling on his odd socks.

"Alright Nance? You look lovely," John smiled and gave her a hug, peering inside the pram and smiling down at his nephew.

"Thanks John, I could do with a drink if you wouldn't mind, long day."

"No problem, grab a seat I'll bring you a glass over."

Nancy smiled at him and took Tobias over to a space in the corner of the pub to sit down. The room was filled to the rafters with people, most of whom she didn't know. Nancy had never been an anxious person, but her heart always skipped a nervous beat when she saw any man of Henry's build and looks, giving her awful flashbacks and filling her with fear for a few long moments until she realised that it wasn't him, and it would never be him.

She sat by herself for a while, rocking the pram back and forth to try and get Tobias to fall asleep. She had no idea a baby could stay awake for so long, he was the complete opposite of how Vincent was as an infant.

So far, Nancy hadn't seen a single person apart from John that she recognised. Beginning to withdraw into herself, Nancy crossed one leg over the other and shuffled to the edge of her seat, closer to her baby.

"One glass of champagne for the lady."

John grinned and handed the glass to Nancy, sitting down beside her. Vincent was off playing with John's boys and Tobias had eventually calmed down which in turn, calmed down Nancy too.

"So," John started, sipping his drink, "How's life been with the little man? Arthur a good dad?"

"Oh he's the best, I couldn't ask for a better father for my boys," Nancy smiled as she spoke, thinking about how much Arthur had done for her.

"I knew he'd be a good dad, always been the most caring out of the five of us. Tommy's a miserable bastard, Ada's very much my way or no way, and Finn," he laughed and shook his head, "God help the woman Finn ends up with, that's all I'll say."

"We'll I have no complaints about any of you," she replied, "You've been nothing but welcoming to me, all of you."

"Hey," John said, throwing his arm across Nancy's shoulders, "You're family. It's what we do."

"Oi! Get your hands of my missus!"

John and Arthur laughed with one another as he pushed his way through the guests and over to them, his eyes bright with happiness.

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