34: Release My Brother!

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Wei Wuxian excused him from the rest, saying he wished to fill his bottle with a bit of water from the spring nearby. Neither Jiang Cheng nor Lan Wangji were in a mood to consume anything let alone drink water, so they both merely nodded.

The two sons and Chen Xuanji looked up, eyes narrowing as Wei Wuxian walked away. Xuanji looked at the two sons, eyebrow raised. They shrugged back and returned to nibbling the roasted fish Wei Wuxian had gotten for them.

Having walked a short way into the woods, once well out of sight, Wei Wuxian flipped out the letter. Summoning a tracking talisman he had developed only days ago, he let it attach itself to the blood array on the letter before watching it zoom across the forest. Tossing the water bottle away, he sprinted after the talisman.

Teleportation wouldn't work when it was tracking a blood scent, so he followed on with the help of the moonlight. 


In a few hours, he had arrived at a wide open space hidden deep into a hillside some miles away from Hangzhou. Not a cavern, nor a valley, but a wide open space surrounded and bordered by the hills.

Wei Wuxian stood on the hilltops, hands on his hips as he took a deep breath and looked down into his pit of doom.

Just as before, there were huts and houses for residing in, and an occasional round table for drinking around, but this time, there were no blacksmith stalls.

So they have made all the sabres they need? Fast, Jiuyue's fast, Wei Wuxian nodded to himself as he admired the view.

I wonder if they found that document they were searching for...

Hearing laughter coming from the right of the grounds, he turned to look. Seeing a familiar face, he crept along the grass and weeds and down towards the border of the camp. He sensed a ward again so he silently slid his fingers along the invisible wall, making way for a small portal for him to hear what was going on.

"Haha! So much for the almighty Zewu-Jun!"

"Exactly! See how he looked just then, hopeless and pathetic! He's totally given up all hope. Too caring, I say," Liu Zhongli shook his head.

"Indeed," Nie Jiuyue nodded. "Keeps begging not to let the Lans know he's here. Bloody idiot of a caring brother."

"But then again, we don't need to let all the Lans know," Zhongli sneered. "Just Wei Wuxian would be more than enough."

"Hey, Zhongliang," Zhang Huli walk-in beside them spoke up. "What are you going to do with Zewu-Jun when you do find Wei Wuxian?"

"Hm... Now that's an interesting question, my dear sister," Zhongli leered with malicious glee. "Jiuyue? What do you say?"

"We release him of course! Why keep him if he isn't a scrap of use? No more utilisable as a bait, so we'll let him go," Jiuyue nodded. "And finish our task with Wei Wuxian soon before the Lans come in." 

"Oh man, too lenient," Zhongli shook his head. 

"That's good," Wei Xiaolian, walking beside her husband, nodded with relief. She had wondered if they would just kill Xichen.

Fine. I guessed as much. I'm all they want, Wei Wuxian sighed.

He walked towards the proper entrance to the camp and banged on the invisible wall, sending out a flurry of ward-breaking talismans. Not to break it, but to alert those inside. In an instant, a bunch of Lius had gathered at the entrance. Wei Wuxian looked around. "Where's your leader!?"

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