Chapter 2 - Shopping

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"IM DRIVING" Louis yelled, throwing himself dramatically into the seat.

"NO YOURE NOT, IM DRIVING" Austin also yelled, throwing himself after Louis, however it turned out the dumbass kangaroo was too short to reach the pedals, so Louis opened the window, picked up the purple idiot and threw him out the window, before speeding off.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO MY HUBBY" Tyrone cried, antlers shaking with sadness

"You could do so much better than him luv" Zayn rolled his eyes prettily, cause like duh it's Zayn Malik, he can't roll his eyes any other way??

"It's true Tyrone" Tasha the hippo spoke, "he doesn't deserve you"

"Thank you Tasha, I love you"

"I love you too Tyrone"

"Are we done yet?🤨" Louis spoke, parking the van

"OH MY SWEET FAST FOOD JESUS THERES A KFC RIGHT THERE THANK YOU LORD" Liam gushed, grabbing Niall, and running into the building, narrowly avoiding a raccoon that was sat on the pavement.

"Oh my god there's a little raccoon can I go pet it?" Harry squealed, not even waiting long enough to hear louis' warning about it possibly having diseases, and somehow picked up the raccoon and brought it back over to the bus, as the other backyardigans headed dinside the store.

"That thing is not coming on here" Louis hissed.

"yeah get that manky thing away ewwwww" uniqua screamed.

"Actually nevermind, he's more than welcome" Louis spoke, placing the racoon in his lap to keep the pink bitch away.

"UGH disgusting, I'm going" she squealed and ran out of the van as fast as her shortass legs would carry her.

"What should we call it?" Harry asked, just as the raccoon stood up on its hind legs at took a fat fucking chomp out of Louis' neck.


"How about Edward then, like twilight" harry smiled, ignoring louis' screams of pain

AN, if you're team Jacob gtfo xx

"harry get it away" Louis cried, the raccoon trying to literally drink his mfing blood.

"Edward you silly goose don't eat Louis 🥰" harry giggled

"Louis you good man?" Zayn asked

"Oh where were you zayn, its almost like the author completely forgot you're also in the van because she's so sleep deprived" harry spoke, cuddling Edward, the raccoon was getting some of Louis' blood on him but he didn't mind

The two boys turned to face Louis as they heard a growl come from him.

"What the hell boi??" Zayn muttered, as louis bared his teeth at them.

"Shh zayn hes going through his emo phase i think"

"Oh no, let's go get food and give him some space then" zayn whispered trying not to agitate the growling man.

Harry shoved Edward in his hoodie pocket and the two headed into the kfc where Liam was sitting with his head stuffed in a bucket of chicken.

After they bought at least half of the store they came back out to the van, and saw Edward sitting where emo Louis had been, and emo Louis wasn't there

"Huh, how did Edward get in the van himself??" Harry befuddled before realising Edward was still in his pocket

They entered the van and zayn walked over to the fluffy animal "I think this is Louis"

"What the (REDACTED) 😃" harry spoke, nearby dropping Edwards furry ass on the floor.


The raccoon let out a 'rawr'

"Oh my god hes an emo raccoon" harry sobbed, wiping his tears on Edward.

The backyardigans that were still alive climbed back onto the bus, with niel and Liam

"OH MY GOD THERES TWO RACCOONS NOW AAAAAAAAGGGGGGHGHHHHHH" uniqua yelled, slapping both the raccoons

They flew at her face and mauled her to death

After uniqua was left at the side of the road, Louis raccoon drove everyone back to semens house

After uniqua was left at the side of the road, Louis raccoon drove everyone back to semens house

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