Part 1

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"This wouldn't do. Gopal, Yaya, and Ying have already fallen unconscious. Fang, Sai, and Sheilda are way too hurt to continue this fight. Admiral Tarung and Commander Kokochi were already defeated. Captain Kaizo is on his way." Boboiboy mumbles tiredly while putting his hand on his stomach.

All of them have a mission in space. It's also the school holidays that's why they are all here. Yet when they finish their mission, someone attacks their spaceship. It's lucky Ochobot and Papa Zola were not here with them.

"I still can fight Boboiboy. Don't use your power too much or you will fall unconscious again." Fang said while standing beside him.

"Shadow bear fusion." Fang starts to fuse himself with his shadow power.

"I don't have any other choices." Said Boboiboy.

"But." Fang tries to argue but Boboiboy cuts his words.

"Don't worry. I wouldn't use fusion." Boboiboy assures him.

"Boboiboy hepta split." Boboiboy uses his hepta split in the end.

"You think you can defeat me even if you split into seven people?" Ask the main villain arrogantly.

"You sure full of yourself." Thunderstorm said coldly to their enemies.

"We can fight to know who's stronger since I'm not used before." Blaze said with his usual hot temper.

"Then challenge accepted." The villain replies to them.

"Guys, you all know what to do right?" Ask Earthquake using his usual leader voice.

"Yes." Reply another six with a mix of cheerful, lazy, cold, and high spirit voices.

"Let's go, Fang." Earthquake said and Fang just nods his head.

"And Solar. Don't rush in anything. I mean it. Stop if I said stop." Earthquake warns Solar who just nodded in scare.

"Can I go now Earthquake?" Blaze asks with his usual high spirit voice.

"Yes." Reply Earthquake seriously.

"Let's go together Thunderstorm," Blaze asks and Thunderstorm just smirks before using his speed power leaving Blaze behind.





After almost an hour.

"This also wouldn't do." Earthquake said while huffing while Thunderstorm and Blaze beside him tried to catch their breath.

"Where is your brother anyway Fang?" Shout Solar while attacking their enemies after their main villain just bring more and more all of his troops.

"I don't know. I can't reach him at all." Fang shouts back while still fighting against their villain troops.

"Ensnaring thorn." Thorn uses his power more and more but the enemies still could release themselves from his thorn trap.

"What should I do?" Thorn tries to not panic.

"Hahahaha. Weak." The main villain laughs evilly before shooting Thorn with something without others realizing it since Thorn is nearer to him.

When the villain shot him, Thorn falls to his knees as he feels the pain that made him couldn't voice out his pain, and that makes their villain troops use this to their advantage.

"Thorn watch out!!" Ice is the one who realizes it first.

"Ice wait. I can..." Cyclone couldn't finish his sentence Ice had already rushed to Thorn's side without even thinking twice.

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