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Leignann pinnock as Rebecca

Zayn malik as Zachery

Perri Edwards as Julia
Imagine your characters if you must

Rebecca's POV

"How is she, doctor?".

"She is fine, she lost consciousness from tremor and exhaustion, she would be fine, the injection I gave will help just fine, and she might become conscious any period from now."

I heard murmuring, but my eyesight was shut. It took tremendous exertion to open my eyes and I opened my stare to the typical surroundings of my room.
I was sensing a subtle headache and hunger too but apart from that, I was fine.
Luminous glints were coming from the windows.
The voices went down as footsteps walked down the hallway. I closed my eyes, the memory I wanted to forget hunting my sanity and emotions
Zachery was a murderer,". They were all killers, I should have known with all the men strutting the house with guns or maybe I knew, just didn't want to accept it. I was scared out of my mind, he killed that man and threatened his family, I didn't feel safe had never felt safe, I wanted to go back to my apartment, I was scared for my life, he could kill me anytime, he could harm Julie, hot tears was falling from my eyes, how did I get here, why was I here,? was Ace going to kill me now, I couldn't help but cry more, my life wasn't the best out there but it isn't the worse, I didn't want to die.
I got down from the bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up.
I stepped into the shower letting the cold water wash my body and soul if that was possible, didn't know how long I stayed there. I got out when I started feeling cold, I dried myself, brush my teeth, and went back to my room.
I didn't know what will happen next, contemplating what to wear, I decided to go with jeans and a tee, if I was to die, I needed to be comfortable.
I sat in my bed afterward, I didn't want to go out, I couldn't go out, I was scared, I would never go out of this room.
Footsteps from the other side of the door got me shaking, I know I said I was ready but trust me I am terrified.
The door to the room opens and a familiar face walks in,
he stops at the edge of the bed we locked stares for a moment, he sighed and looked away from me,
"the boss wants to see you right now let's go," he says avoiding my gaze,
It was time.
I got up from the bed with a determination to be courageous but staggering walked towards the door,
A handheld me from behind, I shrug it away, I didn't need those murderous hands on me, he opened the door, I walked out, him behind me, we walked down the stairs in silence but I could feel him glancing at me every second, I ignored him, my mind was fuzzy and distracted.
He leads the way taking me through one of the doors that leads to another door, I follow quietly like a lamb that was been led to the slaughterhouse. We got to a set of double doors if that is what it is called.
Ry gives a small tap to the door, then opens it, motioning for me to pass through. I stood rooted to the spot, staring at the door, I was a little bit confused now, this looks like an office,
Was he going to murder in his office, I thought we would go to a place more cliche like the basement or a dungeon
or something like that.
"go in " Ry's voice brought me out of my daydream.
I took a deep breath and entered the room, well my guess was exactly it was an office, a huge one with a large monogamy table at the center, a classy leather chair behind it, and in It was sitting the devil himself,
"Leave us", Zachery said his back turned to us. Ry looked at me then turned to leave, I grabbed his arm not thinking
"No no you can't leave, stay, please don't leave me with him, please please I hung on to his arm, I couldn't face Zachery not alone anyways, I was scared despite the courageous front I have tried to put up.
"You will be fine'', he muttered prying my hands off him, I glanced back at Zachery, he walks towards the door, and was out, I stood on the spot facing the door not moving,

"Sit down" his voice boom,

I visibly shook but stood unmoving staring at the closed door wishing I was 100000 miles away from this room away from his cold-ass bitch, wait do they also call men bitches,? I don't know.
"I said sit down, didn't I? He thundered already behind me gripping my arms roughly, I flinched as he pulled me to sit on one of the leather chairs.
"You will obey my every command, you will not disobey me again is that clear" he pressed harder, hatred clear in his voice.
I shook my head unable to form words tears already forming.
"Use your words",
Yes yes, please I said choking on my spit.
I sat down in one of the chair, my head went down as I rubbed my sweaty palms together.

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