Chapter Twenty Two

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A/n: alright so I know there's no actual tracker you can put inside a human body but in the world of Hyacinth and Aster it exists

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A/n: alright so I know there's no actual tracker you can put inside a human body but in the world of Hyacinth and Aster it exists. (I saw it in a Bollywood movie once and it stuck with me so I decided to include it here)

"You're going to inject this in me?" I asked, pointing at the small chip that was in the tiny case Leo had brought with him.

We were sitting in my living room as early as 7 am because I had work and they wanted to do this before I left. Leo was sitting on the armchair across from us and Aster and I were sitting on the couch with his arm around my waist and his other hand holding mine on my lap.

"Yes. It's going to go on your arm and we'll have to do a small surgery to remove it after." Leo told me and my nerves grew as Aster tensed beside me.

"Are you sure you know how to do it?" Aster asked Leo and Leo nodded. "I've done it before and I'm trained for this, don't worry."

"Alright let's go over the plan again." Leo said.

"Hyacinth you're absolutely sure that this Mr Ross is in on it?" He asked me and I nodded.

"I'm positive. He was the one who introduced Roger and I. When he saw me at the school after the holidays he was surprised to see me, like he was expecting me to be long gone. He looked like he saw a ghost. I'm sure he's the one who told Roger I was back and that's how Roger knew where to find me. If I go back and show up once again after he was sure Roger got me he's most probably going to tell Roger once again." I told them.

"We're going to get him too." Aster glowered and Leo nodded with a clenched jaw.

"Okay so I'm about 90% sure Roger is going to come for you again especially with the fact that you humiliated him by running away twice and not to mention you smacked him on the head with a fire extinguisher." Leo chuckled and I felt Aster smile against my forehead where he pressed a kiss.

"That's my girl." He murmured and I blushed at the words as my stomach flipped.

He had never called me his girl before.

"Gross." Leo muttered as he stared at us and I pushed Aster a bit away from me.

"Okay we can inject this now and then you're off to work. We don't know when it's going to happen but I don't think it will be today." Leo said as he stood up and sat on my other side.

Aster unwrapped his arm from my waist and instead gripped my left hand with both of his.

"Is it going to hurt?" I asked Leo as I rolled up my sleeve and let him grab my arm.

"It might." Leo said as he cleaned around the spot he would inject it.

He got this weird tube thingy and inserted the chip in it before pressing the end of it against my arm.

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