Chapter One: Arrival

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The car ride is long and boring, especially when no one is talking. Mireille looks out the window, remembering the last year at Welton. Even though she was scared at first being the only girl there, she found friends quickly. And with them there, it was undeniably beautiful and of course bearable. Having to do homework everyday – to an extend of going to sleep at 2am just to finish them – wasn't really easy at first. So, her friends really helped. And who would've thought that among these six nice, young boys she would find the love of her life. She smiles at the memory when she confessed to him and him accepting. Welton is both, the worst and the best thing that has happened to her and she's not even mad about it.

Looking out of the window, Mireille sees Welton slowly getting closer. She's not really excited to spend another year there but at least she will see her friends – and boyfriend – again.

"Mireille, we expect just the best from you. As always", says her mother, looking at her through the rear mirror. Mireille looks up, her green eyes locking with the brown ones of her mother.

"Of course. I'll do my best." Her father chirms in.

"And remember if you need anything, call us. Or tell your grandfather, he'll gladly help."

"Yes, sir." A short silence falls over them before Mireille begins to speak.

"Will you stay for the ceremony?" Her father groans, shaking his head.

"No. I have to go back as soon as possible. My company needs me there." Mireille nods, shifting her head to see the cold, old bricks of Welton. Of course, they wouldn't stay. As always. Why did she even bother to ask? It's always the same.

The car comes to a halt and Mireille jumps out, taking her suitcase with her. Mireille tidies her skirt and fixes her tie. She walks to her father who remains sitting in the car. He doesn't bother to hug her goodbye. Instead, he rolls down the window.

"Make sure to call us. Have a great time." He smiles at her which she returns in a fake matter.

"Yes, sir." Mireille takes a step back and they drive off, leaving her alone. Her brown hair slightly sways in the wind. She sighs. Thinking about what to do now. After a while, she decides to walk to the front to put down her suitcase so it wouldn't bother her during the welcome ceremony. But before she could take a step forward, she feels long, strong arms sneaking around her body and a head resting on her shoulder.

"Hey there, Babydoll." Mireille quickly turns around, her arms around the boy's neck, pulling him even closer. She's finally with him again, after six long weeks of summer break.

"Charlie! I missed you." He laughs, lifting her up and swinging her around. She nuzzles her head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his cologne.

"And I missed you." He puts her down, taking the suitcase from her, ignoring her pleas.

"Shall we go in?" Giving up, Mireille intertwines her arm with Charlie's.

"Sure." They smile at each other before walking to the entrance. Mireille looks around but she couldn't see Neil or the others.

"Are we the only ones here?" Charlie looks down on her, nodding.

"Nah, I guess they're already inside. By the way... who's your roommate this year?", he asks a slight warning tone in his voice. Mireille giggles, resting her head on Charlie's shoulder and looking up at him and locking her green eyes with his brown ones.

"It's Knox again, so don't worry." Charlie breathes out relieved.

"Good." Charlie puts her suitcase next to his before walking inside, their arms still intertwined. They pass other boys and their families, most of them looking irritated when they laid eyes on a girl in a Welton uniform. But Mireille doesn't let it bother her as she's already used to it. After a short walk and hundreds of stares, they enter the chapel and take seats in the back. As soon as they sit down, Charlie's hand finds it's way to Mireille's thigh, squeezing it tightly. Her head shots to him, a playful smirk plastered on her lips. She doesn't break eye contact when she swatted his hand away. Charlie grins, looking around before leaning to Mireille, his mouth just inches from her ear.

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