Chapter 6 - Cabin Fever

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Chapter 6 - Cabin Fever

"Smith will pick you up tomorrow at seven AM sharp, Miss Valentina," Jasper told me as the day was drawing to a close.

Well, everyone else's day was already over, mine, however, seemed to be never ending.

"Of course, Mr Queen." I replied as I stacked some folders away in the filing cabinet.

"Make a dinner reservation for eleven, I'm taking Miranda so make it a table for two." He said staring me right in the eyes whilst I tried to keep my irritation at bay.

"I'll get right on it," I replied casually, walking out to my office.

Angrily, I made the reservation, making my way back into his office as I realised I had forgotten to get a memory stick from him.

I had seen him throw it into the drawer of his desk carelessly as I opened the drawer up. It was full of cöndom wrappers and empty bottles of expensive French wine.


I was not rummaging through this desk, I thought as I closed it.

I looked up and saw a smirking Jasper leaning with his arms folded against the door frame, the rippling muscles beneath his tailored shirt making me weak at the knees.

"Never has one girl complained," he chuckled as I resisted the urge to smack his gorgeous face.

"Right." I said in response to that utterly idiotic statement before walking towards the door to leave.

"Actually, I have something I'd like to talk to you about," he slipped his arm around my waist and guided me towards the chair in front of his desk.

"Is this about the expansion documents? Or the finance? Because I have stored them-"

"No, Scarlett, it isn't."

"Then what is it?"

"Your lover - Haynes," he spat bitterly.

God, not this again.

"Oh?" I asked challengingly folding my arms. "What about my lover?"

"He isn't right for you. I don't know how many times I'm going to have to tell you," he stated gruffly.

"Would you like to tell me why you, my employer and only my employer has any right to dictate who is right or wrong for me, for the fifth time this week?"

Okay, maybe I timed that one wrong, I thought as his eyes darkened in anger and he clenched his fists before bolting from his seat.

He stood up raising his hand to run through his hair but me being me, I assumed the worst as I flinched considerably in my seat, thinking he was going to strike me.

"Why did you do that?" He asked angrily whilst he held a confused expression on his face. "Why did you move away like that?"

"I should be leaving. Legally, I shouldn't be working for this many hours," I said trying to distract him and leave.

"Fine. I'll see you tomorrow, Miss Valentina," he snapped, his lips pressed into a thin line.

I walked out of the building faster than I'd ever walked in my entire life.

How dare he? How dare a man who is merely my boss tell me somebody is wrong for me?

But, the worst thing was that I actually cared about what he said.

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