A New Home - 24

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I couldn't breathe, it felt as if all the smoke rising above our heads and been shoved down my throat.

My vision was blurred by my tears. I looked towards the caved in roof, the room underneath was our family room. Our personal room full of pictures of us, memorable objects, family heirlooms. It was all gone, along with my mother.

The kiss on my forehead from her mere hours ago, I swore I could feel it now. It was the last memory I had of her, smiling and in love with her family.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Hunter, concern shone in his eyes.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I screamed, pushing his hand off me. I saw a flicker of pain in his eyes as he walked away. My hand was grabbed and I saw my father, kneeling beside me. He held my hand tightly as he pulled me in to his chest. I felt his tears on my forehead.

He had just lost his wife, I'd just lost a mother. We stayed that way until the flames died down, revealing a charred house, it was unrecognisable.

I heard shouting in the distance, it sounded like John. I blocked out the voices as I stared at where my room had once been.

It was dark, the moon the only source of light as I stood, leaving my fathers grip.

I took off my heels and walked barefoot towards the pile of stuff in-front of my broken house. I sorted through clothes and paper until I found a photo. My parents, my brother, and I smiling brightly at a photographer in Paris. I smiled sadly, a shell of the smile I held in the photo.

I walked back towards my father who was now staring at his wedding ring. I didn't say anything as I gently placed the photo on the ground in-front of him, sitting back down.

My father and I stared at the photo all night, not saying a word. Slowly the people around us left, until it was just my father and I, John and Hunter making phone calls in the distance.

As the sun broke over the horizon I finally looked up and found my father passed out, leaning against me. I shook him softly. He opened his eyes, my heart broke as I saw his usual smiling eyes full of grief.

I stood, my father with me as we walked towards John and Hunter, they both looked tired without a night of sleep.

John walked up to my father and give him a strong hug. When they pulled away I heard my father rasp, "Who the fuck did this."

"We can't be sure, but we have suspicions it was the Martinez group." John replied.

"Martinez, you mean Tyler Martinez?" I asked, stepping forward.

I saw Hunter nod his head once. I was surprised he was even acknowledging me.

"I want him fucking dead." I snarled.

"Raven, I understand you are grieving, but we have been trying to take down this rouge group for two years now." John said quietly.

"I don't give two shits, maybe if I help, you will finally have some brains in the team, it will give you the push you need." I smiled darkly at him.

"Garrett, you are welcome to come live with us until you have sorted this out." John offered. "And it will give Raven the opportunity to learn and offer the revenge your wife deserves." He added. My heart jumped at the thought.

Living with professional killers, being able to learn and train to be an assassin. "We would love that." I smiled at John, placing a hand on my fathers back.

"Good, I will have men come and collect your things from here, come with us now." John walked to the limousine and knocked on the drivers door. The man inside jolted awake and started the engine.

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