Chapter 7 - Doubt It

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Uno: "Hey, do you really think Hitoshi is Hajime's brother?"

Jyugo: "I don't think it matters."

Rock: "Since you bring it up, that's been bothering me too."

Jyugo: "Why would it bother you?"

Jinx: "You two are just still sore Hitoshi's not a girl, aren't you?"

Uno: "What?! No!"

Rock: "That's not what I meant. It bothers me because that gorilla's obviously trying to pull a fast one on us."

Uno: "I've analysed both their skeletal structures... And I've determined that that missing link meat-head couldn't possibly be that foxy minx's brother."

Jyugo: "You mean that foxy minx boy?"

Jinx: "Told you they were still sore."

Uno & Rock: "Are not!"

Later, in the Guard Room... Hitoshi got a fright from Jyugo popping up.

Jyugo: "Are you really Hajime's brother? Spill it."

Hitoshi smiled.

Hitoshi: "You caught me off guard. Gave me a heart attack."

Jyugo: "You're taking it well."

Hajime: "Why are you here?! I said I'd throw your ass in solitary, now I have to follow through!"

Jyugo: "Sure would mean a lot of paperwork. Plus it wasn't my idea this time."

Hajime: "Why would I care who's idea it was?!"

Uno: "It was my idea this time."

Rock: "I'm just along for the ride, really."

Jinx: "Yeah, me too."

Hitoshi: "Ah!"

Hajime: "You guys are here too?!"

Jyugo: "They told me they needed to confirm something about Hitoshi."

Hajime: "What the hell would they need to confirm?"

Jinx: "They don't think he's actually related to you."

Hajime: "What? Why would we not be related?"

Uno: "Because cute bunnies and vicious gorillas have nothing in common! It's like comparing apples and roadkill!"

Hajime: "You're gonna regret that comment!"

Hitoshi turned to them, his fists on his hips.

Hitoshi: "Big brother is not a vicious gorilla! He's a cuddly gorilla!"

Hajime: "That's not helping, Hitoshi. Screw it all, LET'S JUST PUT THEM IN THEIR CELL! READY, YAMATO?!"

Yamato: "I am, sir!"

Jinx, Uno, Rock & Jyugo: "Oh, crap..."

Hitoshi: "Me too! I'll show you everything I've learned!"

Hajime: "Hehh?"

Uno: "Hm, looks like this is our chance."

Rock: "I'm down if you are."

Uno: "We accept your challenge, Hajime, and we offer you this wager! Catch us, and we'll accept that Hitoshi's your brother. Despite all evidence to the contrary."

Hajime: "Who do you think you are?!"

Uno: "Someone that cute could never be your brother, though. So there's no way you'll catch us, moron!"

Rock: "Where are you getting all this energy? Are you really that frustrated, man?"

Uno: "I am choosing not to get that joke."

Rock: "Fair enough."

Jinx: "Uno, this is a dumb idea. You know he'll just beat your ass."

Uno: "Come on, I see your smile. You wanna come too, don't you?"

I couldn't hide it.

Jinx: "...Yeah..."

Rock crouched down and picked me up on his back.

Rock: "Let's get this show started."

Uno & Rock: "Cell 13's Traditional Game of Tag!"

I held on tight, and they started running, the three of us laughing.

Jinx: "Catch us if you can, Hajime!"

I stuck out my tongue.

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