Chapter 56 - Movie (6)

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She didn’t ask further, and instead walked towards her room in silence as she waited for her to talk.

The slag author was silent for a while, then said, “Ye Xi, you have been ignoring a very important issue.”

Ye Xi thought about it. She was always determined to do everything she had to do, so she doesn’t understand where the issue lied. The only thing out of place was Wei Shenglan’s personality. He was actually pretty nice and kind. Moreover, he even watches porn in the middle of a night like a regular person, and that’s different from all the main characters she read about before.

Ye Xi asked unashamedly.

“Hm…” The slag author seemed to be wondering if she should say it, or thinking of a way to phrase her thoughts.

Ye Xi stopped in front of the entrance of her dorm.  At this time there was no one else in the hallway besides her.

Everything was so silent, she could hear the slag author’s breathing from the other side of the phone.

“You never treated Wei Shenglan and the others as real people, but only saw them as NPCs in games. You are only getting close to them with the mindset that it’s all part of a quest. Although they might once be fictional characters in a story, but in the world you are living in right now, you feel hunger and different emotions. You should understand that they are the same as you. They are alive and they are emotional human beings who can cry and laugh.”

This really hit Ye Xi hard. She froze, then opened her mouth. She wanted to say: no, I didn’t. Why are you so serious all of a sudden?

But, she can’t put anything into words.

“I understand how you feel. Suddenly living in a foreign world and being separated from everything you were familiar with. You are not only at a different place, you are in another entirely different world. You might not even have the possibility of going home again. Although you don’t seem to feel anything on the outside, you must feel really lonely inside. Despite that, the place you are living in right has went from fiction to reality. You have to learn to accept that. Imagine if it were you, and someone randomly appeared in your life and treated everything as a fictional game, how would you feel?” The slag author asked a keen question, yet her tone was soft, maybe even kind.

Ye Xi remained quiet.

The slag author didn’t anticipate a response from her, so she asked another question, “Maybe you still have some hope that this is a dream you will eventually be awakened from. But even after you die, how high is the possibility that you can still return to the world I’m in right now?”

“That’s enough,” Ye Xi’s voice was somewhat hoarse, and her mind was a mess.

“I have been waiting for you to find out, but you never did. I’m sorry and I mean it. Even though I don’t know what I did wrong.”

“I’m hanging up,” Ye Xi hung up even before Zha Zha could respond.

Ye Xi went into her room; she didn’t feel like herself anymore. She glanced at An Mudie, who was sound asleep and listened to her quiet breathing in the silent room.

She was breathing and also sleeping.

The next day, An Mudie would wake up as usual. She will wash her face, brush her teeth, eat breakfast, and then go to class.

This girl was no longer a fictional character, but instead a real human being who needed to breathe, eat, and sleep. Someone who needs to go to school to graduate, someone who gets distressed by things in life, and someone who works hard to survive.

Ye Xi felt something heavy in her chest. She went into the bathroom and washed her face.

I don’t want to brush my teeth or wash today.

Ye Xi directly exited the bathroom, and curled inside her blanket. The temperature of the AC was just right; she doesn’t feel hot even with the cotton blanket.

An Mudie continued breathing, long and rhythmic. Ye Xi felt like An Mudie’s breathing was becoming louder and louder to her.

Ye Xi had insomnia that night.

During an ordinary night like this, countless people would have trouble falling asleep and Ye Xi was only one of them.

Yet there was a person who was purposely staying up, it was Wei Shenglan.

Wei Shenglan was a very proactive person. He had the thought of watching porn at noon, and carried out his idea immediately at night.

He especially waited until the middle of the night, and knocked on Nan Gonghai’s door.

Wei Shenglan was used to finding Nan Gonghai when he needed help with computer stuff because it is very convenient for him. Besides, one word might have multiple meanings. If the yellow movie had multiple meanings, he might find the wrong one. And if he watched the wrong one and continued to discuss with Ye Xi as if he didn’t, the atmosphere would be very awkward.

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