Chapter 43

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Two more months passed after that incident, meaning Arpana is heavily pregnant with a 9th month bump. She was due anytime now. Currently, Arpana became very conscious of her weight and it did prevent her from becoming intimate with Arjun but Arjun took her heart once again by making her understand that he loved her no matter what shape or size she was.

Arjun regretted not handing over Vihan to the police that day. After that incident, Arjun did inform Nikhil about it but Vihan was nowhere to be found as he was absconding again. Nikhil did want to put in a special protection but Arpana denied it. Instead she persuaded Arjun for them to go and stay with her in-laws till the birth of their child because Revathy badly wanted Arpana to be around her, especially as Arpana was nearing her due date. So over the last 2 months, Arjun and Arpana have been living with her in-laws at their house. In a way this was good because Vihan wouldn't easily be able to locate Arpana's in-laws House.

Meanwhile, Neria had given birth two months ago to a baby boy. The couple named their child Aarush. Ever since Aarush's arrival, he has been the center of attention. Neria often visits Arpana and her mother in law and father in law with Aarush and whenever Neria does, Arpana loves spending time with Aarush.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Finally it was Friday! Devi was the happiest today as she had the Saturday and Sunday off. This week was very hectic so Devi was ready for her days off.

The last few months working under Madhav went quickly for her. At the initial stages, Devi hated it as Madhav used to pick on everything Devi did. For example, if Madhav found a punctuation error in Devi's report, he used to ask her to write a new report. It was until recently Madhav started complimenting her and her works. To start off, Devi used to find Madhav and his compliments a bit strange as it was unusual of him but slowly she's starting to like it and started to enjoy his presence more...

It was pouring when Devi got out of the office. Thinking the weather would be fine, Devi didn't bring her umbrella either. So, Devi stood in front of the tall building, waiting for the rain to calm down. But luck was not with Devi today as the rain just got worse.

Suddenly, Madhav came out of the office. His tie was loose, his hair's a mess and his entire shirt was creased. He looked a total mess overall. But still managed to look dashing in Devi's eyes.

"Oh Devika! You're still here?" Madhav asked

"Yep, just waiting for the rain to calm down," Devi replied.

"How do you normally go home?" Madhav asked.

"I normally walk to the bus station from here and go home on the bus," Devi replied.

"Oh looks like it is going to rain for some more time. If you don't mind, I can drop you" Madhav suggested.

"Oh no, it's actually fine. I can manage" Devi replied.

"No you are coming with me and that's final" Madhav said sternly. Slowly he undid his office bag, took out an umbrella, opened it and looked at Devi and said "Devika if you don't mind, let's share the umbrella to get to the parking lot" Madhav suggested. Devi hesitated but eventually she got under the umbrella as she did not want to get wet. They then started walking towards Madhav's car.
The umbrella wasn't big enough for Madhav and Devi to walk with a huge gap. Devi did try to keep distance but she was getting wet so Madhav inched closer to her with the umbrella. Without them realizing their shoulders rubbed against each other but neither Devi nor Madhav expressed any reactions.

Very soon Devi and Madhav reached in front of Madhav's Audi. He opened the front door for Devi. Hesitantly, Devi got inside the car.

. . . . . . . . . .

Madhav and Devi were stuck in the traffic for at least half an hour now!
"By now I could've reached home" Devi complained.

"Well it's not my fault that there's traffic. And look, it is still raining cats and dogs. I'm sure you wouldn't have moved an inch from the office if I hadn't offered you a lift" Madhav said, faking his anger.

"You always have excuses," Devi replied as she decided to doodle on Madhav's window where the mist had formed. "Oh Devika, how old are you? 1 or 2? To doodle on windows like a child. Wipe that silly drawing off now!" Madhav said with a mocking tone.
Devika angrily wiped it off and looked at Madhav as if she wanted to kill him. "You're wasting my time in this traffic and now scolding me for no reason" Devi complained. Due to her boredom in the car, Devi decided to turn the radio on. The radio decided to play old romantic songs. Devi and Madhav listened to it for some time. They both had butterflies in their stomach whilst listening to the songs but neither of them expressed it. Madhav then just glanced at Devi. She was engrossed in the music. To get her attention Madhav decided to turn the radio off.

"Why did you turn it off?" Devi asked annoyingly.

"My car, My rules!" Madhav replied with a smirk.

"Oh my God! Why did I decide to come with an idiot like you?" Devi asked and folded her arms....

. . . . . . . . . .

Meanwhile, Arpana and Arjun were walking in Revathy's garden and were looking around. Arpana was wearing a long maternity gown as her baby bump was ever so big so she wouldn't fit into her normal clothes. She was due anytime or day now. "I really appreciate Amma's hard work and dedication. The effort she must've put to make something like this really needs to be appreciated" Arpana said to Arjun.

"Hmm I agree. Actually, it was a plain garden. Amma did all this when I moved out after Anjali's death" Arjun replied to which Arpana nodded.

"Arjun, do you have any names in mind for our baby?" Arpana asked curiously whilst caressing her baby bump.

"If it's a boy I was thinking of naming him Radish however, if it's a girl I have the name Orange in mind" Arjun said proudly.

"No way! I'm not naming my child after fruits and vegetables!" Arpana exclaimed.

"Oh come on, Arpana. People do name their children orange and all" Arjun tried to defend himself.

"Maybe in Jupiter or Mars but I'm not naming my baby Radish or orange," Arpana said.

"Then what?" Arjun asked curiously.

"If it's a girl I was thinking 'Diya' or if it's a boy I had the name 'Aarav' in mind. What do you think?" Arpana asked Arjun

"Hmm actually, I like it. We will go with Diya and Aarav...

Just when Arjun had said what he did, Arpana felt water dripping down her legs. And immediately, she started to experience a sharp pain in her stomach...
Arpana started to cry in pain, worrying poor Arjun.

Arjun quickly wrapped his hands around Arpana's shoulders and made her sit on the bench in the garden. "Arpana, what happened?" Arjun asked with doubts whether her contractions had started.

"Arjun... I....think.... my water broke" Arpana managed to say in between her heavy breaths.

"Oh shit!" Arjun said under his breath feeling numb. Revathy and Ravinath immediately rushed out hearing Arpana scream in pain.

"Oh dear, we need to take Arpana to the hospital!" Revathy said immediately.

"Arjun, why are you standing there like a statue? Start the car, we will bring Arpana. Ravinath said, hitting on Arjun shoulders, seeing his son stand there like a statue when his baby is going to come out anytime.
But, Arjun quickly picked Arpana up and rushed her to his car. The family then rushed to the hospital quickly.

When they got to the hospital, Arpana was taken inside immediately in the stretcher. Whilst Arpana was inside, sweat started trickling down Arjun's face and due to the tension he started biting his nails and walked back and forth.

Due to Arjun's impatience he held the door knob to go into the labour room but Revathy stopped him "let the doctors do their work Arjun, just relax" Revathy suggested.

"But... Arpana is in pain. She needs me Ma" Arjun pleaded to his mum as a tear rolled down his eyes.

"Arjun, she'll manage. The doctors and nurses are all there to support Arpana" Revathy said as she took a seat next to her son to comfort him. Revathy hugged Arjun to calm him. No matter how old children are, sometimes they still need their mother.

"But they won't be like me" Arjun responded, trying to control his tears. All Arjun wanted his wife and child to be healthy.

Just then, the senior doctor came out of the room to speak to Arjun. "Can I speak to the patient's husband?" The doctor asked.

"Yes, I'm Arpana's husband" Arjun said standing up.

"Some complications have risen. Therefore from a medical point of view I am requesting to take Arpana to the operation theatre for an emergency c-section." The doctor said making the whole situation much more stressful for Arjun and the rest of the family.

"Doctor, why isn't normal delivery possible?" Revathy asked the doctor clutching tightly onto the ends of her saree.

"Contractions have started but unfortunately the labor isn't progressing. There is excessive vaginal bleeding as well. As a doctor, I'm concerned that the baby isn't getting enough oxygen now due to this So I'm seeking your consent for an emergency c-section. Already it's late, I don't want to add more risk by delaying" the doctor requested.

Immediately, Arjun signed all the necessary documents. What made Arjun panic and stressed more was the doctor saying the mother or baby's life could be compromised. Once Arjun had signed the papers for Arpana's operation, he could feel his heart beating faster now...

Arpana was then brought out of the labor room. Poor Arpana looked ever so exhausted and tired. She was in a total mess now...

Whilst they were taking Arpana to the operation theater, Arjun too accompanied them. Even though Arjun was broken from the inside, he held Arpana's hands and tried to comfort her in all ways possible. Just when they reached the operation theater, Arjun caressed Arpana's hair and placed a gentle kiss on Arpana's forehead.

A tear rolled down her eyes ...

Somewhere in her heart, she felt as if it'll be the last time she'll be seeing Arjun. They had to let go of their hands whilst they took Arpana into the operation theatre... Arjun stared until she was no longer to be seen.

After Arpana was taken into the operation theater, Arjun slumped down onto the floor and gripped his hair tightly. He then brought his knees to his chest and leaned onto the wall and prayed to every single God he knew....


Will Arpana and the baby survive?

As the story is going to end soon, is this suggesting a happy or sad ending ?

Did you guys liked the names Arpana chose for the baby or the names Arjun chose for the baby ?

Who liked Devi's and Madhav's scenes ?
I had got suggestions of writing their own book, should I  ?
Looks like Madhav and Devi likes each other ....

Please do vote and comment ! It'll mean a lot to me if you do ❤
Thank you!

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