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Four short days later, you found yourself returning to a sense of normalcy as you unlocked the entrance to Sugar Daddy. You were granted a soft open, thank heavens, and only had to come in at 6 am, but even after nearly 5 days of nothing but sleep you found yourself yawning as you battled with the key.

"Jimin," you called as you entered the dark shop, surprised to see the front cabinets were completely empty, and the air smelled of baking bread instead of the sweets that were normally in the oven by now.

He must have been running behind schedule.

You hope he didn't stay up too late after checking in on you yesterday evening. Your worry shifted to guilt at the thought that you might have interrupted his evening routine. He had sacrificed so much of his personal time to come and check on you and keep you company between shifts.

"Jimin?" You called, making your way to the kitchen, relieved to see the ovens were at least running. A quick scan of the kitchen showed no sign of your co-worker, but the counters were uncharitaristly messy for Jimin's work, and for a second you wondered if you misread the schedule.

That's when you noticed the door open in the back.

It was a solid metal door labeled maintenance. You had no clue what was behind it but never bothered to ask because it was never open.

You made your way towards it cautiously, one voice in your head reminding you, you were in a bakery and would be fine, and the other taunting you that you were in a gangster bakery and to always be prepared for surprises.

Your heart pounded its way up to your throat as you approached the cracked door, careful to make your footsteps quiet as possible.


You gasped in shock as Jimin appeared in your line of vision, cracking the door open a little wider to see you.

"Jimin, you scared the shit out of me," you breathed one hand on your chest. His mouth quirked into a small smile that seemed to say 'my bad.' "What are you wearing?" You questioned the thick gloves and safety goggles on his head.

Jimin grimaced.

"It's personal protection equipment," he started to explain.

"Yes, I know what PPE is I've worked in a lab before," you said with a roll of our eyes. You had worn the equipment plenty of times in your chemistry labs in college, "Why are you dressed like your about to go to lab?" you questioned.

Jimin grinned sheepishly, "Because you're in my lab?" he offered as explanation.

Jimin thought your eyes might bulge out of their sockets as you pushed past him and took in the intensive research lab behind the metal door.

It makes sense given the dimensions of the building you guess the kitchen didn't quite fit it, but you were still shocked and showed a little bit of fear of working in the midst of explosives all this time.

Everything was starting to make sense, this is what the gangster bakery was hiding. You thought back to the chemistry books you saw in Jin's office and the odd hours Jimin always seemed to be working.

"How do you even know how to do all this?" You asked, a little in awe as you took in the different devices that lined the walls, and the bubbling beakers along the counters.

Jimin smiled ruefully, "I've always had a natural talent for it. Some people work well with numbers or words. For me it's chemicals that connect the world and make it the way it is," he explained bashfully.

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