Chapter 35: She-Wolf

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"Eleanor, you need to wake up. We have to go soon if we're going to make it."

I moaned. "Go where?"

Every part of me was sore like I'd ran eight marathons.

Thann was there and lifted me into his arms, relief fluent around him. "Oh, you're alright. Thank the stars, you're alright."

I sunk into his embrace for only a minute before I remembered what happened. I flew to a sitting position and checked over my shoulder. Only a faint double crescent scar was there.

We were back in the cave, on my bed, and Cane was squatting beside us. He grinned. "You did it."

"Did what?"

"It worked El," Thann spoke. He was softly smiling to where I wasn't sure if he was mad or happy. "You shifted."

"I'm a werewolf?" I asked in astonishment. It couldn't have been real. I didn't feel any different. I looked down to my body and it was just human. I was covered in a thin blanket, but that was it.  I still felt human.


I realized, under the blanket.

I was naked.

I was butt freaking naked.

"What the ffuu!" I yelled and wrapped my arms around myself, tugging the thin sheet up. "Who undressed me?!"

I mean, sure, Thann's seen me in my birthday suit plenty, but I shouldn't be naked in front of his brother!

At least my skunk pouch was still on. I twisted it over my hips like it would cover me better under the blanket.

Thann chuckled.


He had the audacity to chuckle?! When I was there naked!?

"Rude! Get me clothes. I'm going to smack you!"

He grinned and pulled me into a hug like he was happy I was annoyed with him. His large exhale blew through my hair. "I'm so glad you're okay."

Cane's hand was then in my peripheral holding a handful of golden leather. "Here."

"Thanks," I took the articles tentatively and started pulling them on when he moved to the front of the cave and turned away. Luckily with the wide clothes it made it so I didn't look that pregnant.

It was another pair of stretchy shorts and the tank top that Thann had made me. At least I think he made me? I'd have to ask now that we could communicate, but there were better questions for the moment. "Why'd you take off my clothes?"


Thann smiled and adjusted the skunk pouch for me to one hip. "When you shifted you tore through them."

"Oh. That makes sense." I seemed to remember a werewolf breaking through his clothes from some show I watched. I leaned in and whispered. "Did your brother see me naked?"

He smirked and rubbed a finger down my cheek. "It was unavoidable.  But I took care of it."

Cane spoke from his spot staring outside. "I looked away when I could."

Thann chuckled.  "He means he got his lights punched out.  ...And werewolves have very good hearing."

My face brightened a shade.

Thann watched over the color change and smirked. "I'm glad that hasn't gone away since you turned."

"What hasn't?"

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