Alfheim Online

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When I returned home, Abby was basically on top of me instantly.

"Why were you gone? What happened? Did you get beat again? Did something bad happen at the school!" She fired out questions one after another.

"Calm down, calm down," I tell her as I take off my shoes

"Ok," she says as she lets me sit down at our couch.

"So back in SAO, I had someone very close to me," I begin. I had never told my family many details about my time in SAO.

"At the last moments of SAO, something really bad happened...and we couldn't exchange each others real life names so we couldn't reconnect in the real world," I say

"Turns out, we went to the same school, and she almost killed herself yesterday," I say as Abby suddenly gets tense.

"Luckly I was able to save didn't take us long to recognize each I spent the rest of yesterday helping her out," I explain

"Oh...ok," Abby says looking at her feet

"What was your relationship with her?" She asks me bluntly

"How do I say this.....we were lovers," I say returning her bluntness. Her jaw almost dropped.

"You were what!" She says surprised

"We were dating," I say putting it into different terms.

"You finally put the moves on a girl...and I didn't even know about it!" She says blushing.

"I don't know, its just not something I like talking about," I explain as she shakes her head

"Why not? It's your first girlfriend," she says

"No that's not the reason just brings up some bad memories," I tell her

"Oh...I won't push any further," she says

"Ok, I got something to do so I'll be in my room for a little bit then I'll head out again," I tell her as I walk to my room

I entered my room and packed the AmuSphere and went out again.

I swing by The Kimberly household to pick up Kate. When I did, Linda was a bit difficult.

I convinced her to let Kate go to a friend's house with me until 10. With just one good sleep, Kate looks much better then she had yesterday.

We walked to Carter's(Punisher) house and he let me in.

He then led us to a game room with beds and high-end PCs.

Himiko(Jam) was very excited to meet Kate in real life. The rest of the gang introduced themselves to Kate.

After we explained to Kate that Asuna is one of the people who didn't wake up after SAO ended. And also that she was reported to have been in ALO.

When we went to enter ALO when I noticed there were only 4 beds with 2 Amupheres each on them. I guess we had to share. I lay down and Liz lays down next to me.

"You ready?" I ask her as she nods

" long as your with me," she says as my heart throbs...

Boy do I love this girl

"Ok, link start!" I mutter

I was meet with a very familiar start screen as colours flew by me. Suddenly I was met with a screen that says welcome to Alfheim Online.

Then a female voice asks me to choose my gender and then a username.

I looked at the female button and went to push it....haha joking.

I choose the male button and put it in my SAO username into the name box.

After I was brought to the character creator screen. It had 8 races and the ones that appealed to me the most were two options.

I'd like to maintain my play style from SAO, so being agile is important. So according to the descriptions of the races, Cat Sith or Sylph is my best bet.

And since I don't want cat ears, Sylph is it.

I customize my character the way I want and finally hit enter. I'm suddenly thrown into the world. And the first thing I do is land on my face on the pavement. I didn't fall far, about a metre or two. But it SAO nothing hurt, so I guess that's a change.

The first thing I did was check to see the logout button was there, it was. I went into my inventory to see if I get any beginner items and I see a bunch of question marks. What's this? I scroll through everything to see its the same. Hmm.

I go into the skill tap and see its the same there too.

Well I better message the crew, I say as I type Punisher's name into a friend request and send it.

Ok, time to wait I guess

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