Chapter 132: Mutant Ice Wolf

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Even if they want to take a step back, at the current speed of their groping forward, they can't escape the mutant wolf pack.

Therefore, before the fox discovers the mutant wolves, Shen Ye must think about how to deal with the mutant wolves, and leave all the mutant wolves behind.

The fox is the initial mental power of the third level, and the detection range is 20,000 meters. The running speed of an ordinary wolf is 60 kilometers per hour. That is, one kilometer per minute. Only at this speed, an ordinary wolf can only run 20 kilometers, that is, 20 minutes.

The fox's detection distance of 20,000 meters can be reached in 20 minutes, and this is just the limit of an ordinary wolf. This is only the speed and limit of ordinary wolves, but mutant wolves, with their enlarged size, can jump three times the distance before. Therefore, the distance of 20,000 meters does not take about seven or eight minutes.

Fortunately, there is no spirit element in this pack of wolves, and currently they are only wandering in the snow looking for prey. For the time being, Shen Ye didn't have to worry about the mutant wolves spotting them in advance and speeding up. So Shen Ye thought about what they could do in seven minutes and worked out a plan.

Shen Ye repeated the scrutiny, and his frowning brows slowly loosened. Shen Ye told Ye Qingyu about the plan he had considered. Ye Qingyu nodded. After so long of cooperation, Ye Qingyu was extremely convinced of Shen Ye's plan.

For Shen Ye and Ye Qingyu, the time spent every minute and every second was a bit of anticipation and a bit of torment.

When the fox's face changed drastically, Shen Ye knew that the time was up.

The fox's voice was a little worried and a little excited, and Shen Ye understood that the fox had the same idea as them.

When the fox talked to everyone about the situation of the mutant wolves ahead, Shen Ye also began to make arrangements.

When everything was set up, Ye Qingyu looked at his friends and felt that their team was still very strong. There should be no surprises. The situation is better than Shen Ye expected. Because the mutant wolves were only looking for prey, they did not run forward, so it took them more than 30 minutes to prepare before the wolves found them.

The wolf, whether it is seen from the description in the book or the video, is not shocked by seeing it with his own eyes. Ever since Ye Qingyu discovered these mutant wolves, his mental power has followed them like a shadow.

Through observation, Ye Qingyu had a deeper understanding of wolves. This group of mutant wolves just walked slowly, sometimes raising their heads to listen to the surrounding movement, sometimes straightening their forelegs, their bodies attached, and appearing lazily.

At first, Ye Qingyu's attention was focused on the mutant wolf's eyes. They were sharp, lazy, dormant... all their expressions were revealed through the eyes. Later Ye Qingyu saw their tails. The tail drooping at that moment.

The big and sturdy tail was caught between his hind legs, and Ye Qingyu suddenly remembered the allusion of "Pick up the Tail and Be a Man". The wolf is really low-key.

Ye Qingyu looked at Lightning's curving tail, and then at Xiao Mu's swaying tail, sometimes drooping, and sometimes cocked. It can be said that the tail represents their mood or temperament.

Lightning is proud. Since acquaintance, Ye Qingyu has never seen the time when Lightning is depressed and drooping his tail. Occasionally when the tail is lowered, it is also when it wants to hunt and the driver culled. And Xiao Mu's emotions are easily captured by everyone.

‘Pretend to be a wolf with a big tail’ is the recognition of the strength of wolves by people. Why do wolves do not have the speed of a leopard or the size of a lion, but they can leave people with an uncomfortable impression? Can even compare to the strength of a tiger and a lion?

Are their claws sharper? Or do they have sharper teeth? No, it's their low-key style of behavior, wisdom and unity, but perseverance in hunting. Ye Qingyu considered that in the future, whether it was her or their team, she would learn from the wolf this creature.

The mutant wolf king, the leader of this team, is even more lazy to the extreme. From the manner of its steps, people suspect that it is indifferent to everything around it. The squinted eyes made people unable to see what it was thinking, only the occasional light flashing in the eyes and the sometimes shaking ears let Ye Qingyu know that it was vigilant about everything around it.

Ye Qingyu knew that this group of mutant wolves lived very comfortably. They have no shortage of food. Think about it, just like this group of powerful and united mutant wolves, no matter what individual or group they meet, it can be said that there is no escape. They can definitely be the king and hegemony around here.

Now, their team may become their prey. However, they are also eyeing them. Who is the hunter? Who is the prey? It depends on whose method is better.

Because of the obstacles of the surrounding trees, when the mutant wolves did not enter the field of vision of everyone's telescope, the fox explained the situation of the mutant wolves to everyone.

Of course, the fox only saw the strength, movement speed, direction and other information of the thirty-one red dots representing the mutant wolf in his mind. The three mutant wolves resembling scouts are exploring their way at a distance of four to five kilometers in front of the mutant wolves and in the left and right directions. Or looking for prey.

At first, the fox did not discover the effect of these three mutant wolves. I thought that these three mutant wolves did not belong to this group. It was later discovered that they had retained the same speed in the forward direction, and only then had the guess of the scout mutant wolf. As for how they communicated, the fox did not notice.

In the end, the mutant wolf scout at the forefront spotted Shen Ye's team. They did not hear the howling of the wolf, but scout the wolf quickly ran back and contacted and communicated with the mutant wolf king. The fox raised his eyebrows. This was really a scout.

Behind Shen Ye and them are four stacked in containers. The bottom one was mostly buried by snow. In order to avoid the possibility of the container sliding on the snow or the foundation is unstable, everyone dug up this snow and dug it all the way to the ground.

The three containers below were reinforced by Shen Ye and Xiezi. Even Ye Qingyu was filled with some heavy objects inside, adding weight to fix it. The top of the top container was completely cut off, and everyone set up a sniper rifle with a silencer inside.

When the fox scouts the wolf to run back, he reminded everyone. Ye Qingyu took out a telescopic ladder, and everyone climbed onto the top container. Everyone finds their place and waits for the arrival of the mutant wolf.

Soon after, the fox's voice came: "The wolf is coming. The fastest speed is at least 200."

Ye Qingyu wanted to laugh inexplicably when he heard the wolf coming. What's the matter?

"Huh? Stopped at a distance of five kilometers from us.... Heh, this is the way to encircle! The soldiers are divided into two directions, forming a tendency to encircle us."

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