For Upcoming Wattpad Writer

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Hey guys,

I've been wanting to do this for a while now and decided, why waste any more time?

So, I started a new series on my blog titled "Upcoming wattpad writers" where I have different parts addressing different things like how to navigate wattpad as a new writer. I claim not to know all that there is just everything that worked for me.

I'll be sharing everything it is I do while writing a book and I'll be sharing them from the perspective of a new writer with some stories of things I did then and things I do now while writing. A lot has changed since my first book and my current book, there are a lot of things I know now that I wish I knew then.

So, this is sort of like a guideline-ish post that will help you as a writer, not just here on wattpad but generally speaking. I am not the perfect writer, but every day I learn something new and there's no end to learning.

The first installation of this series just went up which is titled: Figuring out a plot.

There I talk about the ways of figuring out a plot for your story and I tell you about mine which I hope will be helpful to a lot of you guys. There are going to be a lot of things to cover but you guys drop a comment of some of the things you'd like me to address and I'll either add it to the post or create an entirely new post dedicated to what you asked for.

Till then, check out the first installation and let me know when you want the next one.

There's a direct link in my bio. Go check it out.

Jane Lanett.

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