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When Liam picked me up for our trip to the mall, I groaned and protested because he was basically kidnapping me, I wasn't having any of it.

He eventually bribed me with food so I happily agreed.

My eyes were focused on the side of Liam's face as he drove, changing gears in the process. "I told you my choice of clothing is fine, so I don't know what's the matter with you."

However, Liam looked completely nonchalant in my whole attempt for him to take me back home. And apparently I needed to look very stylish for this party Celine was hosting. I was pretty sure Celine didn't want to see my existence.

We were at war, and he didn't even understand that.

"I mean, look at it this way, this money I'm about to spend will just go to waste and I could've used it for bacon," I explained doing the arm gestures Liam always used when he was explaining something. "Or I could buy myself a large pizza and eat it alone."

He hadn't said a word in our entire drive — very unlike Liam — I didn't care because at least I didn't have to listen to his annoying voice anyway. The window was rolled down slightly, the wind blowing his light brown hair into every direction.

I continued my ranting, "this money is very precious because I've been saving up for – well, something personal, and I really wanna use it for that."

Liam took the next right, and when he took another right, we were in the parking lot of Eastview Mall. The car engine died down and turned to look at me, his umber eyes brighter than ever. "I know you're saving up to go to an Ella Mai concert and it's not personal, my dear. We know how obsessed you are with her."

We? He must've assumed my friends because he got out of the car before I could bombard him with millions of questions. But then I realized he had my diary, and I rolled my eyes. I followed his actions by getting out of the passenger seat.

The mall was packed with people. I shivered. It was a long weekend for Eastview High School students because the other part of the school building had caught flames by the students in electric classes that prepared for a practical lesson.

Though, the principal made it very clear that Monday everything would be back to normal, and he wanted everyone at school. The students were very happy that they had a long weekend to get wasted.

Liam, of course, took this opportunity to kidnap me to take me to the mall because two days from now was the big party I was pretty sure I was going to get kicked out of. Nothing seemed to bother him, and he always did what he wanted.

Talk about rebellious.

"Come on slow poke," he teased grinning as he began to walk through the parked cars. "We have a lot to do so chop-chop."

I glared at him as I jogged to catch up with him. "The only thing I will chop is your head," I threatened, "and what do you mean we have a lot to do? We're just buying something that makes me feel comfortable, and we're out of here."

Liam laughed, his grin lopsided with a dimple in sight. "Nope. We're doing shopping, Dalley! Aren't you excited about this? We're having a girls day out!"

The Enemy Lives Next Door (bxb) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now