Chapter 49: Twenty Minutes

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to all of the wonderful people who have been supporting my book! I am so thankful for you and thank you for constantly voting, commenting and motivating me to write!!
You know who you are! Thank you!
This one is for you.



The guilt is finally starting to affect my sex life. I am crazy about Brandy and I have been wanting this for so long, but I know that I can't. I can't let her give her virginity to me when a part of our relationship is a lie. I care about her too much to be so selfish and manipulative. I'm trying to be better.

Yet, here I am again, still lying to her face. My parents want me to celebrate New Year's Eve with them and Natalie, who I haven't seen or spoken to since Christmas. Natalie texts me every single day but I don't typically respond. Texting her back was never part of the deal.

Of all my years in New York City, never have I ever spent a New Year's Eve at Times Square. My parents aren't exactly fond of the idea of standing around for hours surrounded by "middle-class strangers"—those are their words, absolutely not mine. Therefore, instead of celebrating the new year in one of New York's most iconic tourists attractions, I typically celebrate it surrounded by hollow people in an overly expensive penthouse.

This will be my first New Year's Eve at Times Square, because, unlike my parents, Natalie is very fond of the idea. I would much rather be with Brandy but here I am, trying to save my parents and my family from losing everything to outrageous debt.

I meet Natalie and my parents outside of the nearest Starbucks, and they are all dressed warmly yet fashionably.

"Babe!" Natalie says, running up to me and kisses my cheek. "I texted you a million times. Where have you been?" She asks.

"Uh, just a little busy with my friends," I lie. "Sorry about that."

"Benji, you know better than to not answer your lady. It's common courtesy." Mom chuckles. "God, I hate Times Square," she mumbles. "It's so dirty and crowded."

"Crowded but intimate?" Natalie asks. "I mean, isn't it? So many people are here to celebrate the same thing. It's kind of beautiful." She smiles directly at me and I grab the back of my neck and look away.

"Let's go, everyone. There are only two hours until midnight and we have a few things we need to do," Dad says.

"Why are we here so early?" I complain. "It's cold — and as you said, there are two whole hours until midnight."

"You know, I used to come to Times Square quite often when I first moved to Manhattan. I even discovered this twenty-four-hour coffee shop nearby. I'm sure they are open now," Dad adds.

"Where did you live before Manhattan?" Natalie asks him.

"California," he answers with a smile on his face. "And then I visited New York for the first time when I was fourteen and I knew that this is the greatest city to exist."

"Great story," I say sarcastically. "Dad nowhere is going to be open. It's New Year's Eve."

"It's New York, Benji. Do not underestimate New York," he says. "Come along now."

Dad guides us through the cold streets of the city, a few blocks away until we reach this coffee shop he won't stop referring to. I am surprised to know that Dad used to go to coffee shops because he hasn't done that as long as I've been alive. He will only drink coffee if it's homemade, straight out of his thermos. 

"I can't wait to kiss you at midnight," Natalie whispers to me as we walk. She leans her head into my shoulder and I shudder. All I can think about is my girlfriend—who I feel I'm betraying right now.

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