𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2: 𝕾𝖔 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖎𝖘 𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊

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When I woke up this morning I was exhausted. With the dream I had last night I wasn't able to fall back to sleep. Terrified another one would come to me. I pulled myself out of bed, forcing myself to find energy to face today. I didn't change my outfit. I left my room and began to go down the stairs. As I went down I heard voices. I stopped and began to listen to the conversation that was happening in the kitchen.

"I think Amara should stay with me. " Kayden stated. He sounded mad. His voice also sounded as if he was begging.

"She is my daughter. She will come live with me. You are not her father. Learn your place. " He took a pause. " I understand you have acted as one while I was unable to. I deeply appreciate your help, but I am here. I am taking her home to her family. " The man Kayden is speaking to is my dad. He's taking me with him.

"15 years, " he said, "I understand the circumstances. I understand why you couldn't come when Sofia was alive. But she's dead. She's been dead for 6 years. She was your excuse and now she's gone. What's your excuse for the last 6 years then?" He said aggravated. It's not like Kayden likes me, so why fight so hard for the continuation of my presence.

"I had six boys. All had just lost their mother. One of them being a newborn. I had to deal with them. I put my family first. That's more than I can say for you," he growled, obviously done with Kayden. With the words of my father had just said, Kayden automatically went silent, you can tell that he had his soft spot.

"She stays here. " He said, he tried to sound confident but the fear was obvious.

"You know who I am, don't you?" Kayden's silence was answering enough to my father's question. "I'm guessing you do. So you do know who I am and you know what I do to people who cross me. Do you w-," then I walked in. Making my presence known. I had to stop that conversation. It was getting a little too hostile. But once I entered the awkwardness was alive and well.

"What's going on, is everything okay? " I asked. I tried my best to sound as if I knew nothing of the situation.

"Amara, I need you to go pack some things. Your father's here and is taking custody of you do your mother's death." Kayden said. Clearly disappointed by this verdict. And at this point I still don't understand why he's disappointed. He has treated me like a nuisance as long as I can remember and yet now suddenly he acts as if I'm a prize worth fighting for.

"Okay." I went quiet to seem surprised. I didn't want them to know that I was eavesdropping. " What about all my things. And what about school? "

Kayden was about to answer but was cut off before he could even speak.

"I will have all your things sent to our home. And with schooling don't worry about that. I'll deal with that as well, " my father said, " Go on now, go get ready and pack some things. " With that I nodded and did as I was told. I don't want to cause any problems yet. I don't want my father to think that I'm a problem. Even though I don't like him I want him to like me. It will give me the upper hand in most situations.

I went up the stairs and went into my room. I got into the shower. I look dead, well I always looked dead but right now I look like I died twice.

After 10 minutes, I got out of the shower and I changed into the outfit that I chose.

Blow dried and straighten my hair. And let me tell you I took my time. I'm going to make my Dad wait as long as possible. Then I went to my closet. I started putting a few outfits into a suitcase. Then some toiletries. And then my gun. You never know when you'll need it. After I put all my things that I needed into the suitcase I started to head downstairs.

"I'm ready," I stated, quickly my father looked at me, as I looked around Kayden was nowhere in sight.

"Okay, let's get going then, we have a long drive ahead of us," as my father said that he came and took my bag. As we walked out the house I still was searching for kayden. Even though I don't like him I felt that I should give him a goodbye. My father put my bag into the trunk of his car. As I entered the car I saw Kayden, staring at me from his bedroom window. The second I noticed that we started to drive away. I've just left the house that I've grown up in. Letting my thoughts consume me I took a short nap. I didn't know that I would be in a car for 5 hours. If I knew that I would have charged my phone a little more.

Once I woke up from my hour nap my father tried to make conversation. He asked me the basic questions like what's your favorite color, do you do sports, any hobbies. It wasn't that bad. Even though I don't like the idea of living with him. He doesn't seem to have that bad of personality. He seems a little hard on the outside but after talking to him in this car I'm starting to notice he has a soft interior. The people that are like that are some of the best people you ever meet. But I'm not going to let myself get ahead like that. Even though he seems to be not so bad right now I have no clue what the future has in store for me. And then suddenly my dad's phone start to ring, and the name on the phone was Emiliano.

"Hello Emiliano, what do you need?" My dad asked him.

"Dad, are you almost here?" Emiliano asked him.

"Yes, I am only 20 minutes away, why?"

"Dante is asking for you, that's all." Emiliano responded, he seem to be rather calm and tamed.

"Okay, tell him I'll be home soon."

"Okay, see you soon." With that my dad hung up in the car became silent once again. Not that I don't enjoy silence but I don't enjoy awkward silence. There's a difference. And awkward silence there's a need to talk but yet there's no words to be spoken. The silence I enjoy is when you're alone and there's no one there to question you or tell you what's right and what's wrong. That's the silence I enjoy.

We pulled up to the house, well more like mansion.

We entered the garage and park the car. Before getting out my dad quickly texted someone. To quick for me to read. We went to the house. As we went and we quickly walk through the entrance and into a living room. In the living room were six boys. Five grown men, and one tiny boy. As we entered they all stared. And then suddenly the tiny boy ran to me. He hugged my legs.

"Hi sissy!" He shouted with such joy in his voice. In that moment I knew that this little boy would be one of the most important people in my life.

That's its for the second chapter of Dépaysement. Hope you enjoyed.

With love, Alivia ❤️

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