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I quickly ran to mr. DiCaprio, not Leo, struggling to hold all my bags at once. "Mr- mr. DiCaprio." I said out of breath.

"There is guards and securities who can help you carry the bags." He said with a face expression that doesn't show his emotions, he cares, he is happy, he is mad, he is annoyed you just don't know.

"Yeah sorry." I looked down feeling completely dumb of how a fool I looked like. "W-"

"The cars is here let's go, some people will come and get the bags." He cut me off as I just nodded following him.

He opened the passenger seat door but stopped looking at me. "What do you think you are doing?" I furrowed at him.

"Hopping in the car?" I said stating it more like a question.

"No you go to the second car." He pointed at the car behind the car am standing infront of.

"Oh sorry." I quickly shut the door hopping in the other car back seat. I felt so dumb and weak, like he hates me now. I just.... Felt like.... Broken.

Your crush treating you like that is something serious jokes aside. Yeah I admit for having a crush on my boss I mean who doesn't , look at his attractive face that I want to punch with kisses.

I made a fool of myself, walking while holding many bags I looked like a total idiot. And then going to the wrong car this is just embarrassing I hope Leo forgets about it.

As for my outfit I wore a hoodie and sweatpants. Something comfy yet cute just like Leo said.

I sighed not realizing tears streaming down my face.


I slammed the car door shut. After crying I started thinking of things making me angry so I wouldn't look like I cried infront of mr. DiCaprio.

"I sent someone to just fill the papers and pay for the bags weigh we just need to head straight to the plane. Let's just wait until they come to give us the papers, you have your passport?" Mr. DiCaprio asked as we head to the airport at the same time.

"Yes." Was all I said.

"And I want you to just follow me don't go anywhere. Don't talk to anyone. If anything happened or you want something I'm here to ask."


"And If you would like to eat before we head to the plane we can eat whatever you want."


"And then in the plane I will give you a paper, fill your own information and give it back to me."


"If you need coffee or to use the restroom inform me and I won't let you go alone or walk alone, I don't want you get lost."

"Okay." He looked at me since all I said was 'okay' he shook his head as we stood in a corner.


"Am so nervous." I mumbled under my breathe.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you will be alright." I barely nodded before looking at the small window beside me. "If you need anything you can ask."

"Can you be Leo and not mr. DiCaprio." I quickly said looking into his eyes.

"Uhm..." he sighed. "Fine, just in the flight once we leave I won't be goofy and friendly."

"Okay." I secured my lower lip between my teeth trying my best to hide my smile and excitement.

After few minutes I could feel the plane starting to move. I started shaking and negative thoughts spread thru my body. "Can I Hold your hands?" I asked Leo with a shaky voice.

He nodded giving me his hands. I grabbed it and held but trying not to squeeze it. "Whenever your nervous, anxious just squeeze my hands yeah?" Leo asked.

"Yes." I squealed my eyes shut as the plane started to go up. I squeezed Leo's hands just like he wanted. I kept like that few minutes Leo whispering to me it's okay to calm me.

The plane now we're going straight to our destination, I don't feel nervous or anxious anymore. Even tho, I don't want to leave Leo's hands it's just so soft and warm. But my hands started to get sweaty I don't want to be a creep.

"I'm fine now." I whispered a little loud. I removed my hands from his and kept it in my lap. I looked at the window and for the first time I can see clouds.... "Leo, look! Clouds." I sounded like a child but it's the first time for me.

"Mhmm." He hummed. "We are flying between clouds." He smiled which I returned back with excitement face and smile.


"Bella, we are here." I heard a familiar chuckle. I slowly opened my eyes seeing Leo's goofy face. "Good morning sleepy head." He ruffled my hair.

"Hey. Where are we?" I said with my ugly raspy voice.

"We are in Mexico! Come on you want to wash your face before we leave the plane?" He asked.


"Can I buy coffee?" I asked as we were close to Starbucks, the only coffee I have seen here.

"Sure, this is your card you can buy whatever you want once we are back to LA you have yo give it back yeah?"

"Thanks." I grabbed the card heading to the coffee shop.

"Hey ma'am how can I help you?" The cashier said and I started feeling nervous. I never tried Starbucks

Shall I buy expresso or late or mocha?

"Uh... I will have l-late." I stuttered by accident.

Now she will see me a creep.

"Anything else?" She asked.

"Huh? Oh no Thanks." I paid and waited in the place I receive my order from.

I heard laughing from girls and it kind of annoyed me. They were just so loud. I turned my head and shock electricity drove thru my spines.

"Sophia?" She stopped laughing looking at me with wide eyes but then it turned into excitement.

"Bella? Hi! What are you doing here!" She jumped and embraced me squeezing me.

"I can't breath." I said trying to get oxygen.

"Sorry, whats wrong why are you here I never thought one day Isabella will travel."

"The real question is, what are you doing here? How did you get here? You know I told you that my work may cause me to travel around the world one day." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, am here with Victoria, this girl I met her and we decided to travel here for vacation." She pointed at the girl that was with her, Victoria waved and I waved back.

"Anyways, I don't have time for bullshit I have to go." I thanked the guy who served my coffee before leaving.

"Wait." I sighed turning around to meet her eyes. "Will I see you?"

"I don't know I will text you bye!" I exclaimed before rushing to Leo.

I don't want to get fired.

"Sorry am late." I said out of breathe.

"No it's okay let's go." Leo said as I followed him along with 2 body guards.

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