25 : Wednesday

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Step Twenty Five: Be outgoing! You need to be prepared to talk to him in any situation, around any people. Be ready for any conversation, and don't be shy! And SMILE. This cannot be stressed enough. Any performance, ever, requires a smile. So put those pearly whites on display and get yourself a man!

Pants are on? Yes.

Last night, Jason and I spent hours cuddling while watching movies and eating popcorn. The most exciting thing that happened was him falling asleep before I did, because I had to carry him back to his bed. I collapsed immediately after setting him down.

I really should stop glancing at the steps every morning, but old habits die hard. I've got the boyfriend... but I need to keep him. Not that I doubt his loyalty. I suppose it's just my inner Balthasar, telling me that Juliet is dead even though she isn't.

No. Someone get this copy of Romeo and Juliet away from me; the Shakespearean stuff is taking over my brain. The story is great, but I don't want to end up like Romeo and Juliet. Felix and Jason's end shan't be the same.

I lay my hand on his cheek, unsure if he's awake or not. His skin is soft and smooth, and I have to very consciously resist the urge to place a kiss there instead of the palm of my hand. He's so warm, so pretty in the sunlight-through-the-curtains lighting. I smile, unable to help it.

"Lixie?" he mumbles, cracking his eyes open. "Mmmmmmorning."

"Good morning, Jason."

Somehow, Jason manages to drag himself out of bed. I discreetly avert my eyes, and he turns around to wait for me, too. We decide on cereal for breakfast, because pancakes would probably cause me to throw up on stage.

Yeah, today is the talent show. I want to scream, and shout, and, like, do jumping jacks, or something. My nerves are buzzing, my hair standing on edge. My hand shakes when I start pouring the cereal, and my brain goes into hyperactivity as I notice something. "Jason, didn't you say that you put milk in before cereal?"

"Hmm?" Jason glances down at his bowl, into which he's already poured the dry stuff and is about to pour the milk. "Oh, yeah, I lied, so that the conversation with you would continue."

I blush. "Aww, that's sweet. But you didn't have to lie..."

"I didn't know that at the time," he cuts in, ears red. "Plus, your reaction was priceless. The way you tried to contain yourself, even after your outburst? Cute."

The way he says 'cute' warms my heart. Jason's whole being, in essence, simply causes my heart to go all over the place. "Shut up." My words do not reflect my feelings, actually. If I had it my way, Jason could compliment me all day.


We finish our meal and get ready for a day off of school. Jason gets to come as my plus-one. Also, Blake said he wasn't available, and I don't have any family members that live close enough to be invited.

"Question," I begin, putting my hand over Jason's as we sway, side-to-side. "Do you know where we get off?" We're on a bus, on our way to wherever the talent show is going to be tonight. "Because I don't know, and, if you don't know, then we're just vibing here for no reason."

"I don't know, either," Jason admits.

"Is there a map?"

"Is there?" Jason smirks at me after the sassy remark. "The Internet is accessible for a reason, Felix. Look it up."

"Sigh," I say, pulling my phone out. "Okay, so, we should have gotten off eight stops ago. But that's okay; we'll reach the stage in another hour-or-so. And we still won't be late, since you insisted on that awful 'buffer time,' making us wake up early."

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