Chapter Twenty-Nine

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While the girls were eating Esme had set up a couple of the rooms for the girls if they wanted to get some rest. It had been a few of hours since they had arrived and nobody had heard from the pack. Emily and Christina had decided to go ahead and go to sleep since it didn't seem like they would be going home for a bit. Neither girl seemed to be able to get any sleep though since they were both very worried. Christina sent a final message to Sam's phone before turning it off for the night "I miss you, please be careful, I love you" She rolled over and after a while finally managed to fall asleep.

The next morning she woke up and climbed out of bed. As she was trying to smooth out her clothes there was a small knock on her door. "Come in" she called. The door opened to reveal Esme with a small bag. "I hope you don't mind but Alice ran out to get you both a change of clothes so you wouldn't have to wear the same clothes again." Christina smiled at Esme "Thank you so much, you all didn't need to go to so much trouble for us though." Esme handed Christina the bag "nonsense, you both are no trouble at all." As she left the room she told Christina "breakfast is downstairs whenever you are ready." Christina smiled "Thank you Esme, I'll be down there shortly." Esme softly shut the door as she left.

Once Christina got changed she went downstairs and saw Emily already sitting at the table. "Morning Em" she greeted her. Emily looked up and smiled "hey Christina, you have got to try these pancakes, they're better than mine." Christina sat down at the spot she chose yesterday and grabbed a plate. Piling some food on her plate she realized that she took more than normal because she was used to sharing her food with Sam. "It's probably pointless to even ask, but has anyone heard anything?" Esme smiled sadly "nothing yet, but I think Carlisle is going to see if he can get any information from Billy." Christina nodded and picked up her fork to start eating.

After the girls finished eating, Esme cleared the table while they went to the living room to hang out for a bit. "Emily, how are you staying so calm about all of this." Emily sat on the chair across from the couch while Christina sat on the couch. "The only thing that I know right now is everyone is fine. Right now the saying 'no news is good news' is very accurate. Think about it, Carlisle would be called if there was an issue with anyone since they can't take them to the hospital. I'm worried but until we know more I'm holding onto trusting that everything is fine." Christina thought about that for a minute "yeah I guess you're right. They would've updated us if something was wrong I'm sure." Christina leaned back on the couch as Carlisle came in the room. "Hey girls, I was able to get a hold of Billy. So far everyone is fine. They don't want to give your location away so that's why you haven't heard from anyone. They're resting but this guy is giving them some issues. I offered to send some of my family out there but Sam is afraid of mistaking one of us for him. We've got this side of forks covered though. It shouldn't be much longer." Emily and Christina smiled up at Carlisle "Thank you for updating us" Emily said while Christina nodded. He smiled and nodded at the girls before heading into the kitchen looking for Esme.

"I wish we could help them. I know that if I got out there, it would draw Derek out." Emily looked over at the girl "don't even think about it. If I have to I will have them lock you in a room until everything's over." Christina sighed "I won't, Sam would kill me if I ever tried something like that anyway. I just want to go home and be in Sam's arms again." Emily moved to sit next to Christina and put her arm around her shoulders "I know, I want that too, except I'd rather be in Nick's arms." Christina laughed and leaned her head on Emily's shoulder "soon" was all she said.

Later that afternoon after Emily and Christina had watched a couple movies Carlisle walked back into the room "hey girls, small update for you." They muted the tv and turned to look at the blonde vampire standing before them. He took a breath in before saying "First, everyone's okay, it seems like Derek may have disappeared yet again, it's been hours since anyone has had any trace of him." Emily asked "so what does that mean for everything." Carlisle smiled softly at her "that means that both Nick and Sam are coming here to get you both to take you home soon." Both girls sat up a bit and their faces seemed to brighten "really?" Christina asked. Carlisle chuckled "yes, really. They should be here soon too." Christina looked over at Emily and smiled while Emily looked back at Carlisle "thank you again for letting us stay here while all this was going on." "Don't even mention it Emily, we were happy to be able to help." Carlisle paused before walking out of the room "seems like they may be here in just a minute girls." Both girls stood and walked towards the front door to wait for their loves.

Looking out the door Christina flung it open the second she saw a jet black wolf race into the yard followed by a grey wolf. "Sam!" she yelled just as Emily yelled "Nick!" Both girls ran down to their wolves and hugged them around the neck. Feeling Sam's heartbeat Christina began to relax a bit. Both wolves lowered themselves to the ground so the girls could climb onto their backs. Holding on tight they all raced back home

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