18. Stay At Mine Tonight

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What made Qi Le An feel grateful was Wei Chang Feng didn’t pester him for more information about Mr. Li and the slapping. Qi Le An just felt so humiliated, he would be too embarrassed to explain it, ‘My teacher slapped me in a hotel lobby because I came back late when they were expecting me to open the door for them.’

Qi Le An found that too humiliating to say.

Qi Le An tried so hard to not think about Mr. Li and Yan Lang, he knew the fact that he left in a huff must have infuriated Mr. Li even more, but he didn’t want to deal with that at the moment. He was just so grateful that Wei Chang Feng had taken him in, saving him from Mr. Li’s further humiliation.

Qi Le An was utterly exhausted at this point, he had been calculating and scheming about every step he took and every decision he made since his rebirth, poor boy had never let him guard down. More often than not, he had a hard time accepting someone’s kindness, he would weigh it time and again in his heart, trying to decide whether that person harbor any ulterior motives.

But he was so relaxed, finally he was in front of someone who could trust with heart and soul.

Wei Chang Feng now was preparing Qi Le An a fruit salad in the kitchen, it looked like Wei Chang Feng indeed loved cooking. Soon a bowl of fruit salad was served, it looked so pretty and colorful with strawberries, kiwi fruit, bananas, apples, and blueberries, the rainbow placemat matched the salad so well, it looked so mouth-watering.

“Have some please.”

Qi Le An nodded, he removed the ice bag and took a fork, Wei Chang Feng joined him too, he made a face and said in an exaggerated way, “This apple is so sour!”

Qi Le An smiled, he knew Wei Chang Feng was just trying to cheer him up by saying that.

“Would you like to watch TV or something?”

Qi Le An preferred spending time with him to watching TV, so he shook his head gently.

Wei Chang Feng put down the remoter and walked to the balcony, it was a perfect place to watch the sunset, Wei Chang Feng smiled and thought fir sure Qi Le An would feel better while watching the sunset.

“Come here, An.” Wei Chang Feng beckoned Qi Le An over with a welcoming wave, with that Wei Chang Feng slumped down in a recliner. Qi Le An walked to the balcony, he was glad that he would be surrounded by green plants, warm sunlight and of course Wei Chang Feng.

Qi Le An also took refuge in a recliner by the bookshelf, what came to his sight was the glistening sunshine pouring down to the lake, all the plants seemed to be glowing, everything was so healing.

Qi Le An closed his eyes, savoring every moment, but soon he fell asleep like a lost puppy who had finally found home. He found a blanket on him when he woke up, it was getting dark with only a touch of sunlight tantalizing the lake.

Qi Le An rubbed his eyes and walked back to the living room. The kitchen door was closed, but Qi Le An could see Wei Chang Feng who wore a pink apron was busy like a bee through the glazed door, he was multitasking with at least three dishes and a soup.

But everything was under control, Wei Chang Feng would check the soup after he set an alarm for the oven, he would stir fry the veggies after he simmered the meat.

Qi Le An was surprised to see this side of the Film Emperor, he knew Wei Chang Feng was nice and approachable, but he always struck people as a rich kid in an influential family. Seeing him cooking like a professional was genuinely mind-blowing to Qi Le An.

Wei Chang Feng now was done with the veggies, he turned around to check the rice and he saw Qi Le An who was standing outside. He pushed open the door and said, “Hey, An, good nap? Make yourself at home, I’ll be done in just a few minutes.”

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