Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Aaaaah!” Farhat screamed in pain. Delightful pain.

Twitch tightened the bandage around Farhat’s leg, the bullet had gone straight through.

However Twitch had to be persuaded to waste even a single bandage on the piece of garbage before him, he was content to let the man bleed out.

Marcus convinced him that Farhat was more useful to them alive. Twitch would have argued but he was too tired and Kazeem needed him more.

Farhat snapped something in his native tongue as pain engulfed his leg, which did not sound very complimentary towards Twitch’s mum.

Narrowing his eyes at Farhat, Twitch pressed his thumb straight down on the bullet hole, keeping it there for a few good moments, before he tied the bandage off.

Farhat shouted in protest, kicking out beneath him but Twitch just smiled.

Adding in a small slap to the wound for good measure, Twitch turned his back on the terrorist and looked at Carlos.

“I’m going back to check on Kazeem,” Twitch glared at Farhat one last time before he climbed out of the cab and shut the door behind him.

As Twitch left, Carlos leaned in, a sadistic and yet fitting, smile spread across his lips.

Farhat narrowed his eyes at Carlos, unsure of what he was going to do.

“You’re lucky Jules was the one with the gun, if it had been me,” Carlos arched an eyebrow, “You’re dead body would be littering the side of some Godforsaken road right now.”

Farhat bristled, a soft sheen of sweat covering his skin, as the colour drained from his cheeks.

“But as it is,” Carlos leaned back, settling into the driver’s seat beside his prisoner, “I’m happy you’re alive.”

A frown appeared on Farhat’s forehead, clearly misunderstanding Carlos’s bipolar behaviour.

“This way-” Carlos slipped a dagger from his boot, proceeding to pick at the sand beneath his nails.

Farhat watched the dagger with apprehension.

“This way,” Carlos repeated, pointing the dagger lazily towards him, “I can sleep peacefully knowing that you’re getting tortured every night.”

Carlos sent him a wide, slightly manic, smile.

Farhat jumped in his seat as the door to the cab was opened once again, his bound hands resting in his lap, as he saw the woman.

Jules looked straight past Farhat as if he was not even there and spoke to Carlos, “We’re just unloading the children from the other truck, and then we’ll get on our way. Are you okay?”

Carlos sent Farhat a smile, “Yeah, we’re good, but hurry up yeah, Jules?”

Julia arched an eyebrow, “Why? Have you got somewhere you need to be?”

“Yeah, I do. Its roast dinner at the base today,” Carlos chuckled.

Jules laughed as she slammed the cab door shut and limped down the side of the truck.

She must have hit her leg when she was being dragged from under the truck, Julia didn’t know but right then no pain could wipe the smile from her face and the elation that she felt in her bones.

Heading around to the back of the smashed up truck, Jules helped Marcus with getting the last few children down from the trailer.

It took the startled youngsters a few minutes to gauge that they were the good guys and a few more minutes until the first few started to peel themselves up off the floor.

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