Chapter 78 - Come Together

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- Clay -

As usual, they held the dance in Huntington High's gym. Emmett commented that Heron Prep had a banquet hall for such occasions. "We only use our gym for P.E. and sports." he said.

"Well, ain't y'all fancy." Brandon quipped.

It was Carrie's turn to chime in: "Nobody wants to smell moldy old jock straps while they're trying to party."

Summer appeared from the crowd on the dance floor in a flouncy, strapless yellow dress that fell to her knee. She ran over to hug me. Shawn trudged behind her, giving a nod by way of greeting. He wore a very basic charcoal suit that strained against his broad shoulders. He'd even matched his tie to her dress.

Summer took my hands and lifted my arms, looking me over. "The suit looks even better in person than in those pictures you posted."

I grabbed my lapels, twisting my waist, and puckering my lips, doing my best to imitate a male mode in a fashion show. I'm pretty sure I just looked like Zoolander giving his Blue Steel face. "A picture just can't capture all of my gloriousness."

Summer shoved my shoulder before offering a hug to Emmett, pulling back to survey him. "And you. Wow! I'm surprised Clay can keep his hands off you."

I wrapped an arm around Emmett's waist, hugging him close. "Believe me, I'm having a hard time. In more ways than one." I winked at her.

"Gross." Summer said.

Brandon gave me a playful punch to the shoulder. "Nice."

The girls huddled together to compliment each other's hair and dresses, each of them saying the others' were better, denying the praise heaped on themselves.

I slipped my hand into Emmett's and ticced my head to the side for him to come with me. We broke away from the group, off toward a table in the darkest corner of the room. Not because I wanted to hide him, I just wanted a place we could hold hands and kiss without being a spectacle. There had been very little backlash from my coming out, except for one incident where I opened my locker and a bunch of printouts of gay porn fell out, scattering across the floor. I suspected the culprits were the three guys at the end of the hall cackling like idiots. But I ignored them, picking it all up to throw it away, with the help of Summer, Jackson, and a few random underclassmen I'd never met.

Most people just didn't care enough to be offended, so long as it didn't directly affect their lives. The ones that did care were a minority I could easily ignore.

Although, I had suddenly found myself the center of attention in most rooms. People treated me like a celebrity, and not in the good, give-me-free-stuff way, more so in the "Oh my God, look! It's that guy," way. It was seriously anxious-making to have so many watchful eyes on me, scrutinizing my every move.

As we skirted the edge of the dance floor, we passed Robin with her date. A very cute boy from the swim team who could really fill out a speedo—front and back. Robin seemed to appreciate his assets as well, her hand gripping his butt firmly.

When she spotted me, she waved and called out, "Save me a dance?"

I pointed toward our intended destination. "Find me later."

She waved again, giving her attention back to the boy, who was also getting very handsy, verging on inappropriate. That was technically against the rules of the dance, but the chaperones were all gathered at a table, chatting. I suspected their cups had more than soda. No doubt there was a confiscated flask passing between them under the table. They usually ended up more wasted than the students by the end of the evening.

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