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"This is a bad idea, Love." 
        "It's the only one we've got at the moment." I reply, keeping the smile on my face. 
        "The fact that I keep agreeing with the genocidal god should tell you something." Logan huffs over the coms. He was sitting on a stool at the far end of the bar. Storm and Jean were on the roof of opposing buildings, keeping a watch. Rogue was too young to even get in the bar, so she was staying at the tower with the task of keeping the team distracted.
        "Look, this is the first real lead we've got. I can be bait for a moment to finally get this hell over with." I take a sip from my drink. "Besides. There's a reason I've got Loki right next to me."
        "You think pretty boy is the best one to protect you?" Logan snorts. 
        "That, and like you said. He's a pretty boy. Good eye candy." Loki turns a little, sending me a disbelieving look. He had a couple of illusions up to help. One of my sister was ordering drinks down the bar. There were a couple on him to keep him from being recognized as the trickster god. His hair was shorter, eyes a different color, but it was still him. Him in civilian clothes that were tight in all the right places too. I looked a little different as well, using mystique's ability to change my hair color. I left my scars on full display though, making me a clear target. 
        "Is that all I am to you? Eye candy?" He hums. I shrug, taking another sip of the beer I had been nursing for over an hour. He rolls his eyes, a small smirk on his lips, and I nudge him with my elbow. 
        "How long are we going to stay here?" Storm asks. "Until closing? Did they give your sister a time?" 
        "Nope. I say we stay until we see something." 
        "Whoever it is, they're keeping their minds clear. They know about your abilities." Jean informs me. "Or they've got their minds blocked. I'm not getting a read on anyone." I scan the bar again, casting my mind out to scan and coming up with the same as Jean had. Nothing. 
        "We've been here for over an hour already." Logan grumbles, and I can't help but roll my eyes.
        "I've seen you spend all night at a bar more than once. I don't wanna hear it, Logan." 
        "I was drunk then. I can't get drunk now." He shoots back. Loki's illusion of my sister moves through the bar, being careful to not bump into anything, before coming up next to me. The illusion says something about going to the bathroom, and I just nod with a smile, watching it move away. I let my mind roam, trying to think. This bar stayed open until three in the morning, and it was only eleven at night. 
        "Okay, fine. We're going to see if we can lure whoever it is out of hiding." I mutter, turning my body towards Loki. "Act like you're flirting with me. Romance me. Use the silver tongue you've got." Loki raises an eyebrow, turning his body towards me as well. 
        "You're giving me permission to romance you? I've been wanting to for a while, but I never thought the timing was right. Ever since I've confessed my feelings, you've had so many distractions that I haven't gotten the chance-"
        "I feel like I'm listening to some sappy gas station romance novel." Logan groans, leaning back a little on his bar stool. 
        "You've read enough of them to make that comparison, huh Logan?" I snort. Loki plasters a sultry smirk on his lips, a devious twinkle in his eye. 
        "Make them think you're going home with someone and they're about to lose their chance. Smart." Storm murmurs. I feel Loki's fingers run up my arm, and I let out a flirty laugh, leaning closer. 
        "You're absolutely beautiful." Loki murmurs, and I raise an eyebrow.
        "You know I meant that you had to act like you were flirting, right?" I hum quietly. Loki leans closer, lips brushing the shell of my ear as he speaks. 
        "I know that, but when will I ever get such a golden opportunity to flirt with you without you brushing off every compliment I give?" He murmurs before pressing a soft kiss just under my ear. 
        "I like him." I hear Jean comment with a laugh. Loki's kisses continue to trail ever so slowly down my neck. My breath hitches when his mouth reaches my pulse point, and I have to stifle a groan. My heart rate increases to match the heavy, fast beat of the music in the bar. 
        "I feel like I'm watching the start of a bad por-"
        "Shut up." Loki hisses, cool breath spreading against my skin. 
        "No one is acting any differently. Not sure if this is working." Logan says after a few more minutes of Loki's not so staged whispering and kisses. 
        "Try leaving." Storm murmurs. I slide off of my stool, gripping Loki's hand tightly.
        "Wanna get out of here?" I ask, loud enough that anyone in the close vicinity could hear. The two of us get to our feet, moving swiftly through the club. The illusion of my sister watches from the entrance to the bathroom hallway, but doesn't say anything, and I wave a mock goodbye. Loki and I almost reach the door when I stop him, letting my voice enter his mind. "I've got an idea, roll with it."
        "Wait, I need to tell my sister where I'm going. Give me two seconds." I say loudly. He nods, letting my hand go as I move back through the crowds and towards the illusion. It wasn't too far fetched, warning your companion that you were leaving. Plus, it gave whoever was wanting to get to me a true opening. I pass Logan's bar stool, not giving any hint that I knew the man.
        "Ophelia, what are you doing?" Jean asks. I stay silent, getting close to the illusion and into the darker hallway. 
        "Cordelia, I know this is different, but I need to blow off some steam, and that guy can definitely help. I'll text Happy and he'll take you back to the tower." I mime putting a hand on her shoulder, letting it hover just on the illusion, making sure it didn't go through it.
        "Okay." The illusion replies with a false smile. I shift my weight, pushing me closer to the shadows until I'm half enveloped. 
        "I'll call you in the morning, alrigh-"
        That's when I felt the needle penetrate my skin. In the time it takes me to blink and turn, a second needle does the same. A hand runs through the illusion of my sister, making it disappear. I can feel the cure racing under my skin, and whatever the drug was coming right after. There's a hand around my waist to hold me up, and before I can say a word, a hand covers my mouth. I only realize it's tow guys when someone yanks the com from my ear and it's gone with a crunch. I can see Loki moving through the club, and Logan pushing through the crowd. 
        "Finally." A deep voice murmurs, and I'm pulled to unconsciousness by the drugs in my system.

In The Shadows | LokiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora