Twenty Three

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Cassandra's POV

I moaned softly as I snuggled deeper into his warmth. His hand was on my hip, caressing my waist with his thumb. I felt his warm lips press against my forehead in a sweet kiss as I gripped his shirt tight in my fist.

"We are gonna leave in an hour now, okay?" Darius whispered. I nodded.

"And we are gonna find Gideon." I opened eyes and he offered me smile.

"We will find him. Don't worry." He ran his hand over my head. I smiled, believing him.

"I-" I started but got cut off when I heard a shrill and loud scream.

We both got up instantly and ran out of the tent. Annette was there, sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest as she sobbed loudly.

I made my way towards her and picked her up.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Without saying anything, she just pointed behind her tent. I handed her to Darius as I carefully made my way behind the tent.

"Cass..." Darius called. I held my hand up, telling him to wait.

There was a man laying on the floor, lifelessly on his stomach while his back was on fire.

I gasped and put off the fire quickly. It wasn't too much, thankfully.

I turned him over as he coughed. My eyes widened and another gasp left my lips.

"Gideon..." I whispered, lifting his head on my lap. "Holy... What happened to you?" His nose was bleeding, his clothes were torn a little.

"L-Luna..." He coughed again and passed out.

We took him to a tent and made sure he rested well and was treated. An hour or later, he woke up. We made sure he ate well.

"Our healer says, it's because of lack of control he had over his powers. It became too much to bear and he's weak. Also, there are traces of Jasper in his breathe." Gabriel explained.


"The tree under which you slept and got all dizzy." He said and I nodded. "It affects the witches and wizards the worst. It's like wolfsbane for them." He shrugged. "He will be fine, don't worry."

"But..." I frowned. "His wand is broken, how did he use his magic?"

"You don't know?" He asked. I shook my head. "Wizards don't have their magic in their wands. The wands are just to balance and concentrate the power on what they want to. It's because of the missing wand he lost control on his powers."

"I just want him to be alright."

"He will be." He assured.


"Alpha Darius." Joe, one of Darius's warriors in Alora, came up to us. Darius had tried to mind-link him to picked us up and luckily it worked since he was near the woods.

"Here. Pick him up." Darius said, pointing at Gideon. They both took him to the car and Darius came back with a soft smile on his lips as he looked at all these beautiful people that had helped us, despite of them being rogues.

"I want to thank you all for helping us." He started. "Two days from now, I'll send my men and vehicles for you all to come to my pack-house. I'll give you all the protection you need and yes, none of you will be a rogue now. I can brand you all into my pack, though it's not compulsion to everyone. You can choose your own Alpha when you get there."

I see Gabriel smiling at me through teary eyes, mouthing me thank you. I gave him a soft smile and nodded.

"We need to leave now. Thank you again, everyone."

We then got into the car, waving everyone bye. I was beside Gideon in the backseat while Darius was in the passanger seat.

An hour later, we reached the King's castle and wasted no time in taking Gideon to the healer.

"I need to make arrangements for the people's arrival, alright?" Darius said and I nodded. "Get some rest." He kissed my forehead and rushed out of the door.

I got up too and changed into some comfy clothes before making my way out of the door to the healers.

"Where's Gideon?"

"Royal Wizard?" He asked and I nodded. "On the second floor. Must be woken up by now." I nodded and made my way to the second floor.

He was sitting on the bed, sadly as he stared out of the window. A tear rolled down his cheek and I frowned.

What happened to him?

"Gideon." I whispered as I made my way in. He looked up at me and quickly wiped off his tear, clearing his throat. "Gosh, we missed you so much." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He buried his face on my shoulder and broke into loud sobs.

"I left him."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, rubbing his back soothingly.

"I...I finally had a mate and...I left him." He cried out loud. I sighed and whispered in his ear.

"It will be fine. It's all gonna be fine." I cooed. "You're okay."

"No, I'm not." He shook his head, pulling. "Nothing is okay. Nothing in this world is fine. Everything's fucked up!" It's probably the first time I've heard him cuss but I understand him.

"We tried to find you, Gideon. I am sorry we couldn't but we tried to." I tell him.

"That's not the problem, Luna! Your life is in danger. The Blood Queen is back! Someone's been performing black magic to bring people back from dead! And my mate, is a freaking Hybrid!!"

"A freaking what?"


Darius's POV

"My King, you called us?" I asked, looking around the room at all the Alphas and then at him. He nodded and pulled out a scroll, handing it to me through one of the omegas. I opened it and my eyes widened.

'Tomorrow evening, battle near the borders.
If you loose, the castle and all the pack-houses
will be mine.

- Edmund West; Vampire King.'

The White Lunaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें