Chapter 24: Unmarked Trail

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The state park, it turned out, was like stepping into another world. Within minutes, we were engulfed in a dense thicket of trees and underbrush, transporting me to a realm of my own imagination.

A smile played on my lips as my mind conjured up spooky scenes—bones hanging from trees, skulls perched atop sticks—clichés straight out of countless horror movies.

Wait, would Ms. Dartwood appreciate my ghastly take on this well-loved state park?

Shaking my head, I banished the semi-Blair Witch Project storyline to the recesses of my mind. Our sweet teacher probably preferred something less spooky than an essay about a dark forest with bizarre histories. My extra-creepy imagination wasn't for the faint of heart, especially not for Ms. Dartwood.

Venturing deeper into the forest—I stuck to myself and avoided small talk with anyone—we reached the thickest part of the woods. I stood before a gnarly old oak tree that seemed like it had witnessed a century's worth of forest drama. Its branches created a natural roof, making it a challenge for the sun to break through.

"Wow!" I shivered. It could've been the cold breeze or the sudden stirring of the tree's limbs. But I couldn't deny the awe I felt for this majestic giant.

"Pretty awesome, isn't it?" I turned to my left to find Adam standing next to me, equally mesmerized.

"It is," I breathed out.

He smirked. "Want to see something even more awesome?"

My eyebrows knitted. "Like what?"

"Ditch your group and follow me."

I glanced around—everyone engrossed in their private conversations, oblivious to the wonders around. Apparently, they weren't interested in ancient trees or the crunch of leaves beneath their feet. But I was.

As the group slowly vanished behind trees, I eagerly followed Adam down a winding path to whatever mysterious place he wanted to show me. Silence surrounded us, broken only by the crunching of leaves beneath our shoes. My eyes wandered, soaking in the outgrown tree roots, wildflowers, and fallen leaves that decorated our path.

"Where are we going? I don't see any signs that suggest we're heading somewhere awesome," I grumbled, trudging alongside Adam.

"That's because we're walking on an unmarked but well-tread trail. Dad originally found this place when he took the opposite direction, thinking he was taking a shortcut," Adam explained, his tone brimming with the confidence of someone who's about to unveil a hidden treasure.

"Oookay. My excitement levels just went up a notch. Now I can't wait to see this place," I replied, trying to match Adam's enthusiasm but secretly wondering if my legs were up for the challenge.

Adam chuckled. "You'll love it," he assured me, casting a sidelong glance in my direction. "Oh, by the way, I saw Penny with her new BFF."

My backpack clinging to my already sweaty back like a clingy koala, I scowled at the mention of Penny's name. "Ugh! Penny! She totally ditched me. I swear, I'm going to have a chat with her about proper friend etiquette. I mean, our friendship isn't exclusive, but she could have at least given me a heads up before gallivanting off with Melissa."

"Ah, the joys of friendship dramas," Adam remarked, offering a sympathetic nod. "But don't worry, you guys will sort it out. you two always do."

Wiping the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand, I grunted in agreement, feeling slightly out of shape and desperately wishing for a teleportation device. Adam's long strides weren't doing my stamina any favors. I was on the losing end of a race against a marathon runner.

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