Chapter 1

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"Jeon Fucking Jungkook! Get your ass back here in campus right now right away. Or you will miss your 1st class of your last semester." A sharp voice said across the phone making a sleepy Jungkook jerk awake from his sleep.

"Ahhh! Jimin-shi; I don't want to be deaf at this young age." He grumbled in his sleep.

"Just look at the clock hanging in your room and then roar at me." Jimin said annoyingly. "If I miss my class because of your lazy ass, then you are dead meat today!" Jimin warned.

Jungkook looked at the time and it was already 8 in the morning and he was supposed to be in the campus by 8:15 as his classes start from 8:30. Jungkook jolted up from his bed and flew towards his bathroom to freshen up.

He reached the campus, but no one was around as it was already 8:35. He was late on his 1st day of his last semester of university. Jungkook was excited to get graduated after 6 months. But he was also aware of the fact that he would miss his friends, miss being with them every day, spending major part of his day with them. But most importantly he would miss his Shorty, his best friend, his jimin-shi. Whom he loved to annoy to death and gain endless rants from him. Jimin was like his elder brother which he never had. And he treasured him.

Jungkook was looking around in search of jimin, at that moment he received a message from jimin saying that he is the class and has reserved the seat for him.

Jungkook ran towards his class after reading the message. As he was running through the corridor without caring about anything, he bumped into someone. And fell down due to the sheer force, but the other person just jolted back and balanced himself, but his things were all over the place. Jungkook just rise from the place without looking at the person and didn't even bother to help the poor soul, and ran away shouting sorry to that stranger whom he didn't even see.

He reached the class and got relieved that the professor hasn't reached yet. He left a sigh of breath. He settled in his seat and then turned towards jimin who was glaring at him with an angry pout while his hands being folded across at his chest.

Jungkook gulped. He was aware of the consequences.

"How the hell can you be late today? You promised me to be on time. I was waiting for you at the entrance like a fool while everyone was enjoying their 1st day. If you continue this behavior then I'll forget that you were my friend ever." Jimin blasted in anger and later huffed, still glaring at the younger.

"Jimin! Don't you think you went too far this time with your threats?" Jungkook asked with gloomy eyes with a crack in his voice which was clear if you paid attention. Then Jimin realized what the hell he said in his anger.

"OMG! I didn't.... I didn't mean that kookie. I am sorry." Jimin said with the same emotion. Before they could continue their conversation the professor entered the class with her things.

"Good morning class." Mrs. Lee greeted her students with a fond smile plastered on her face.

"Good morning ma'am." The students greeted with the same fondness and enthusiasm except Jikook who were still in daze because of their previous mini-fight.

"So, this is going to be my last class for this batch. Since I'll be taking my maternity leave, the director of Bangtan University will be handling the subject from tomorrow. I hope you all will love and support him as much as you all do for me." She said.

"If he is director/chairman/owner of the university, then why is he going to teach us instead of handling the management?" Jennie asked out of curiosity.

"Because he loves teaching, he loves to share his knowledge. He is the most humble billionaire I have ever seen." Mrs. Lee explained with a smile. And the class hummed in response.

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