Chapter 13

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Getting to know that a god has a crush on you is shocking and disorientating. Especially if said divine entity is a man-hating goddess who has sworn vows of hating men forever. So naturally, I had only one reaction.

"Let's talk tomorrow," I told Thalia, then muttered to myself, "when your brain starts working."

"Sure!" Thalia said cheerfully, knowing that I really wouldn't walk away. "Good night!" But she made no move to go back into her cabin.

I started walking away, determined to not let Thalia win. Just because I had—unfortunately—gone through multiple wars didn't mean I lost my playfulness. It just only showed near people I trusted with my life.

I groaned mentally, realizing I wouldn't be able to sleep with all the questions tumbling inside my mind. I spun around, and I said, "Fine. You win again, Thals."

Thalia grinned. 'Don't I always? There's no point in trying to win against me." She then got serious. "I know it's shocking, but just remember: She won't kill you. When things go bad, you can count on her. You haven't been on her side of affection, but she's loyal, determined, and kind."

"I'll be only be able to count on her if  she decides to care about me," I said through a sigh. "I'm beginning to think I shouldn't try."

"What do you mean?" Thalia asked, her tone getting defensive. "She's worth it!" 

"I'm not saying she isn't worth it. It's just that . . . it-it's too soon," I said, my voice cracking in between. "I don't want to try for a relationship with a person that doesn't want me. Plus, Lady Leto will kill me."

Thalia's eyes softened. "You're not unwanted," Thalia said softly. "Just because Annabeth didn't know the value of loyalty, doesn't mean that you're bad. As for Lady Leto, she won't kill you. You freed her, remember?"

I smiled sadly. "I do. Thanks for talking to me. I'm lucky to have you."

Thalia playfully punched my arm. "I'm lucky to have you too, bro. Take what I said and change your mindset." She then hugged me, which was probably breaking multiple rules as the lieutenant of Artemis. I didn't care, allowing myself to relax. "Good night, I'll see you tomorrow."

I bade her farewell and turned around again, relieved that she didn't stop me again. It had turned significantly darker while we were talking, and I couldn't see anything. It was like somebody had painted the full world with ink. Fortunately, I knew the way back to my cabin like the back of my hand.

The wind picked up, making me shiver and hurry towards my cabin. Because of my haste, I tripped over many things, including a sword (only the hilt, fortunately), a gigantic log, and surprisingly, a stuffed animal. At least, I hoped it was a stuffed animal.

It didn't take long to reach my cabin, but when I opened my door, I could barely feel my fingers. The weather had gone from a chill evening to a frigid night, like the last day of autumn to the first freezing day of winter—only in a few minutes. I blindly fumbled with the light switch and sighed in relief when it connected with my hand after my twentieth swipe.

The modern bulbs flickered on, allowing me to see a 3D human-shaped shadow on my bed. For most people, it would be creepy and paranormal, making them scream mommy and run out of the room.

I just smiled. "Hey, Ghost King."

The shadow dissipated, allowing me to see the pale black-haired boy underneath, who was pouting at me. "How many times have I told you not to call me that?" Nico asked.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe a million times?" I said. "Besides, that pout does not suit your scary reputation." I walked over and sat next to him on the bed. "Why are you here? Aren't you busy with king stuff?"

Nico raised an eyebrow. " 'King stuff?' Really? And do I need a reason to visit my favorite sibling?" he asked, and at my questioning glance added, "along with Thalia?" He groaned when I raised my eyebrow, imitating his gesture. "Fine. I heard about what happened."

All the playfulness from the atmosphere disappeared, replaced with deep, dark sorrow—enough to drown in. 

Nico enveloped me in a hug, and said, "Being dark and gloomy is not your thing. Leave it to me." 

I tearfully smiled at him, trying to show my appreciation. I couldn't believe I had such a good family. "I really thought she was the one."

"I thought so too," he said, "don't worry—she'll have it coming once she dies."

"Don't do anything—"

"Shut up Percy," Nico growled. 

"Okay." I wanted to try to change his mind, because I didn't want anybody to die just because they ruined only my life, but changing Nico's mind from something was as hard as stopping a dog from chasing squirrels.

Nico grinned. "See? You're learning."

"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled, sleep finally catching up with me. I motioned for Nico to get off of my bed, which he did so. I pulled the blankets over me and laid down.

"Can I crash here for the night?" Nico asked.

"Can't you shadow travel to the Underworld in a split second?"

"Yeah, but I'm sleepy." We both knew this was a lie. I figured he wanted to keep his eye on me, and make sure I was actually doing okay. (Spoiler alert: I wasn't.)

"You're always welcome here, Nico," I mumbled. "Be sure to shut the lights and lock the door. Good night."

With that, I let the darkness consume me, hoping that it would mend my broken heart.

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