Shot 4

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A week passed by with Sathvik getting the hang of how to deal with baby Muskaan.

The first evening Muskaan woke up crankily. Most of the day she has been sleeping. Only woke up for her drink and food and promptly went back to sleep.

The social worker from child welfare had mentioned that Muskaan had a terrible night the day before. She kept waking up at night asking for her mama.

Sathvik had panicked seeing Muskaan jutting out her lower lip ready for another session of wailing.

Roop, one of the caretakers of the Acharya household, had finally come in for rescue.

She had instructed Sathvik to take off his shirt and hold the baby close to his chest.

The skin to skin contact, it seems, helps in bonding.

The baby, initially wriggled in his hold, but later snuggled into him.

She had gotten that kind of warmth only from her mama before. And she lapped up all that warmth she was feeling after the whole three weeks.

"Keep talking to her, Sathvik. Sing her a lullaby." Roop had instructed him then.

"I don't know any lullaby," Sathvik whispered.

"It doesn't have to be a lullaby. It could be a discussion of stock markets for all she cares about. Your voice and tone is what matters. Talk to her in a soothing way. Make her feel secure, Sathvik." Roop said.

Sathvik held the baby securely against his heart and talked to her in a soothing voice.

He talked about her mother and the years they spent together.

The baby looked on curiously not particularly understanding anything, but liking the way he was talking.

A week later Muskaan got used to her uncle being around.

Roop brought a bowl of baby food for baby Muskaan.

Sathvik placed the baby on the newly bought high chair.

Muskaan made a face seeing the mushy paste in the bowl.

"Don't make that face. You have to eat, baby." Sathvik said and took a spoonful of food towards her lips.

"No.." Muskaan turned her face sideways in denial.

"The first thing you say to me is a No. That's bad Muskaan." Sathvik chided softly.

Muskaan jutted out her lower lip again.

"Mussy no bad," she said, her lips trembling and eyes filling up with tears.

"Awww. Sorry Mussy. Mussy is a good girl. Now eat like a good girl." Sathvik said, coaxing the little girl to open her mouth.

She had her dinner with lots of fuss that Sathvik felt completely exhausted by the time she finished her dinner.

Not even during a sports meet at university, did he feel so exhausted.

"Come on. Time to sleep again." Sathvik said and laid her on her new baby cot.

"Good night, Muskaan," he kissed her on the nose.

"Ayt ayt Sathee," she said with a toothy grin.

Sathvik looked at her in surprise.

"Sathvik Mamu it is. Call me Sathvik Mamu." Sathvik said.

"Sathee," she repeated with a giggle.

"Stubborn, just like your mother." Sathvik said with a chuckle.

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