Chapter 20 - I Hate that Guy!!

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"I knew you're a spoiled brat Malfoy, But I didn't know you were oblivious too"


First person's POV

After the awkward lunch, Y/n and her friends went to their next class, Defense Against The Dark Arts. Except Y/n all of the female second years were looking forward to the class. Many were happy that Y/n didn't like Lockhart like other people at school. She knew Something others didn't know after all.

Because of Hermione, Y/n had to sit in front seat of the class. Ron and Harry right behind them. Hermione was muttering something about Lockhart to Y/n. Hermione made her promise that Y/n didn't have to like Lockhart but she can't stop Hermione to talk about him. Y/n agreed without thinking and now she was regretting her decision.

"Let me introduce you to your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.....Me" A voice came from the doorway of the office right above in the corner of the class. 

"Gilderoy Lockhart....Order of Merlin, Third Class, Honorary member of The Dark Force Defense League" He winked himself from the big photo that was painting a picture of himself. 

'He's so full himself.....Uncle Eric has Order of Merlin, Second class and HE is the honorable member of Dark Force Defense League. But he never this git' Y/n thought to herself.

" and five times winner..of Witch Weekly's Most-Charming-smile Award." He grinned. Hermione and others girls were simping over him. Y/n stared Hermione with a face of slight Disgust.

"But. I don't talk about that..I didn't get rid of the Bandon Banshee by smiling at him" He laughed and waited for others to join..But no one did..Even Hermione was busy for staring at  him that she forgot to respond.

"I see you have brought a complete set of my books - well done..Now I thought we'd start today with a little quiz " He announced and everyone looked at each other, surprised for a unexpected test.

"Nothing to worry about.. just to check how well you've read them" he passes a paper to Hermione " How much you've taken in" He said passing the page to Y/n

"What if we never opened any of your books???" Y/n asked savagely, many of the male students laughed. 

"We would have to learn everything in details then" Lockhart grinned and winked at Y/n while she stared at him with a unpleasant face. she looked at the paper in her hands ignoring the man she has to call 'professor'

Y/n regretted to read the questions for the quiz

'1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition?

3. What, in your opinion, is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement to date??? '

It went on and on for three pages. Y/n looked at Lockhart with disbelief but he didn't saw the daggers she was sending him.

After 30 minutes, Lockhart collected everyone's test papers. Y/n had wrote anything but the correct answer. Hermione was beaming thinking she wrote everything correctly. Y/n leaned towards her

"Hermione, How many times you've read his books?" Y/n whispered

"I don't remember.. I took a quick scan before the class.. That's all I remember" Hermione whispered back

"That wasn't a quick scan, Hermione. you've been reading it all day!! what is so good about this git's book-- AHH" Y/n groaned earning few attention from the class. Hermione had kicked her leg. 

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