Chapter 49

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Elonique's Pov

When I returned to class , the news was already heard as most people were quite happy that they no longer resided in this school.

We continued with class ending a little bit early as I took that opportunity to go to the bathroom.

As I left the bathroom, I was simply happy that today was our first date and also because it's of course Friday.

I had a few minutes still left to spare before my next class.

Damien texted me to meet up for the small minutes we had.

I walked through the halls before I was pulled into the janitors closet with a hand clamped over my mouth.

I looked up to the figure seeing it was Damien.

Good ole deja vu.

"Hey sweetheart " he whispered as he had my body flushed against his.

I blushed of course he would not know that because of the dark pigment of my skin, thankfully again.

His scent invaded my nostrils once again as I felt so succumbed to him, making my knees making a gir, like me knees go weak he know what he doing.

"Hey " I said as he face inched closer to mine , is it hot in here or something too much heat as I felt heat creep ipup my neck like a damn ants out to bite you.

He tilted my chin up as he brought his lips close as they met with mine, his hands found my waist as he lifted me up now I held unto his body for support as he  had me against the wall ,feet clasped around his waist as the warmth of his fingers were felt on my sides under my shirt as hot touch skimmed against my body.

It was like he left no room for me to breathe as this was a full make out filled groans and moans of pleasure.

He finally withdrew from my lips as I now looked at his swollen ones.

" Can't get enough of me huh" I said smirking as I looked into his beautiful eyes but were slightly clouded with that of hunger for more.

"Not at all, you are mine" he said  before he placed his lips against mine again as he fought with me for complete control.

I had to pull away knowing this boy would of made me late to class.

I gave him a quick kiss before saying goodbye but we would see each other tonight.

I made it to class on time as I took a seat to the right away at the back from prying eyes ,I didn't like when I had too much eyes on me I get nervous easily.

Social anxiety through the roof.

The day basically went fast like a breeze , soon we were now outside contented for the weekend.

Damien came up to me giving me a hug and kissing my forehead,did I not see him too long ago this boy acting like he hadn't seen me in years.

I chuckled at this ,I swear he's really in love with me.

"I'll pick you up at 7, is that fine with you" he said as he fiddled with my fingers then looking up to meet my eyes.

" Yeah that's cool"I said smiling.

" Great see you tonight " he said as he kissed my cheek, before he drove away.

"Ouuu , someone's got a date, I guess that means shopping yessir" she said happily.

" Ease dropping  are we yeah shopping" I said with a small smile.

Diana and her boyfriend showed their affection before he let her go muttering the words of see you tonight.

We got in her car as she reversed out and heading straight to the mall.

It took endless tries to find the perfect dress until I caught sight of thee dress for me.

It was beautiful and sexy it would fit me perfectly it was also red (dress at top).

As I took a look at it on me in the mirror taking a once over I looked good.

"Diana what do you think" I said as I fought hard to contain my smile looking at it.

"I love it ,it really brings out your curves" she said.

We paid for the dress as we went to a salon to get our hair done.

Stepping out of the salon, I liked the look that I got ,the hair was perfectly curled as it got that bounce to it.

Diana and I got some food to eat before going to my house to chill.

We watcher a series for a long ass time until I heard the footsteps entering my room.

My mom came to tell me that she had returned , I took this as the perfect time to let her know about my date tonight.

She had no objections really she was happy for me, thankful I was getting out more, finally leaving the house her words not mine.

I laughed at her reaction before I stretched my body from sitting in one position so long as I got ready to go to the bathroom not before putting on my bonnet can't get my hair wet.

I was nervous and excited at the same time.

As I got out of the bathroom I went to pick my lace bra and underwear ,they were pretty comfortable too.

I slipped them on quickly, then putting on my cocoa butter lotion and deodorant.

I slipped into my dress as Diana helped me in zipping it up.

She helped me with my makeup as she did her magic ,not too much just right amount to give it  a natural look.

I put on my silver heels along with my diamond earrings and necklace.

I let out my hair as it let down perfectly and the shine to it was beautiful as it fell against my shoulder.

I looked into the mirror this was me, a whole new look.

"You look absolutely beautiful Elo" Diana said as she looked at me in awe.

"I'm gonna cry, they grow up so fast" she said as she sniffed into her imaginary tissue.

"Stawp" I said laughing at her as she laughed with me.

Damien:I'm downstairs are you ready love.

Elonique: Yeah I'll be down in a sec.

I put my phone in my purse along with some money , gotta have some cash.

I sprayed the cologne unto my body ,it smells so good men cologne are the best better than some of these female ones.

I told Diana bye as she would soon leave as she had plans with Ryan.

I strolled downstairs as I opened the door to come face to face with Damien.

He looked up at me completely awestruck as his mouth hung open, as I strolled up to him.

I held his chin as I closed his mouth with a peck on his lips.

"You shouldn't have your mouth open like that, you'll catch a fly" I said as I smirked.

" Um yeah , you look beautiful, not that you don't always look beautiful but today you look extra beautiful, but your-" he said as a blush came on his face, but I cut him off.

" I get what your saying Damien" I said chuckling at his manner.

He opened my door for me ,then closing it as he went to his side strapping into his seatbelt as he did the same for me.

He drove away ,my house now a distance away as I looked back.

We soon pulled up to an exquisite restaurant , I just know you finna a pay for breahing in they air too lol.

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Until next time peace out

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