Chapter 4

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Hayden raised a middle finger and mouth, "Fuck you!"

 "I'll gladly allow you to fuck me!" Zenos replied with a smirk

After eating Zenos took Hayden into his bedroom so he can apply ointment to his behind that morning


"You can just drop me here!" Hayden said with a smile when Zenos reached his area

"No, I'm dropping you in your mansion!"Zenos argued back

"Too domineering!!" Hayden snorted

Zenos kissed his cheek. "Sorry babe but I can't risk your ass and health."

 After hearing Zenos reply, Hayden became happy because it means Zenos cared for him but he didn't allow it to show on his face instead he snorted in anger

Hayden was planning to jump out of the car immediately the car stopped when he found out that the door is locked. He raised an eyebrow and sighed in frustration. "What's this all about?"

"You don't wanna spend time with me?" Zenos raised an eyebrow

 What time? Can't you see I'm trying to run away. Run away! Hayden cursed the charming guy inwardly before he gave a small squeezed smile. "No. I don't want to waste your time."

"Can give you all my time." Zenos replied seriously

 Hayden snorted at the man ability to flirt every now and then. "Can I go now?"

"Goodbye gift?"

"What?" Hayden yawned a bit tiredly

"Kiss!" Zenos pointed at his lips and said shamelessly. Hayden in turned raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms

Zenos sighed and said again"Kiss me!"


Hayden's POV

 I stood in front of the mirror in my bathroom and examined my swollen lips.

I touched it for a while and my face turned into a scowl and I growled in anger. Damn Zenos!Always trying to take advantage of me!

 I blushed as I remembered what happened in the car earlier

"Kiss me!" Zenos growled one more time

 I knew that voice very well even though it's not up to 24 hours we met and I know the result won't be good for me if I ignored him. So I clumsily shifted and sat on Zenos lap

With a fast beating heart I placed my hands on both cheeks. Immediately, my face redden in embarrassment.

I traced Zenos' lips with my eyes and close my eyes but unfortunately for me, shameless Zenos moved his lips so my lips fell on his right cheek

"Open your eyes," he commanded

 I opened my eyes and before I knew it, I was pressed down by Zenos who brutally assault my lips before I was escorted down the car

 I snapped back into reality and wondered while tracing my lips, "How can I run away when he already know my house? Should I mov..."

 A ping sounded on the bed so I bent down to pick my phone. I found lot of messages on my phone sent by my best friends, friends and Rose

I ignored Rose and my friends and instead tapped on Andy's, my best friend chat interface

Andy: Wassup man

Hayden : M Cool bro.

Andy: Ya girlfriend complained that you aren't picking her call and you haven't been replying her text messages even our friends said the same thing. What's happening? Hangover issues?

Nope. I've been busy man. I replied not in the mood to chat anymore

Yo,what yu doing? Andy questioned

I'm not ready to tell anyone about my affair with Zenos, I thought then yawned sleepily.

Talk to ya on Monday. I'm sleepy. I replied and send the text before placing my phone in silent and then later put it in Do not disturb mode

Hm, the screen light is too glaring too, so I changed the contrast into the lowest before throwing my phone into a bag

 I promised myself to take a shower but I'm dead tired so I'll probably take it after I wake up. It's not a big deal though, I already took one at Zenos' place Soon I fell asleep.

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