Chapter 38

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I was greeted by the glaring sun and the relaxing noise of the waves washing over the beach. There are also seagulls singing to their heart's content while trying to plunge into the water to catch the fish.

I took a glass of apple juice from the table that is filled with lots of ice and I took a sip of it. The cold liquid instantly hit my mouth as it was a good choice to bring such a cold drink while we are at the mercy of the hot weather in Seychelles.

That is right, we are currently in Seychelles. Kai rented a property that has a private beach but is also close to town where we could restock our products in the house.

This is our seventh day and there are still seven days to go. I don't think I will get tired of it but I wish to cherish this moment for a little while. As royals, our lives are dedicated to managing the empire and it wouldn't be unfair to people if we took the day off to the vacation islands too often.

As I lifted my eyes from the book I glanced at the Kai who was swimming in the sea and could only catch the glimpse of his tail. Once his head appeared on his surface and his eyes met mine he started waving to me indicating that he wants me to come to the water and swim with him.

I sighed and closed the book. In all honesty, today I haven't swum in the sea yet but it will be annoying to reapply the sunscreen again.

Then the idea clicked in my mind.

I can always ask Kai to help me apply sunscreen. I'm sure he won't mind it. Then it will be easier and faster for me to apply sunscreen.

I took off the light translucent baby pink robe that has beautiful flowery patterns drawn and walked toward the cyan-colored sea while stepping on the white-hot sand. I entered the water at first it was cold but instantly I got used to the water and it's now become very warm water.

Once I was in the right depth Kai swam over to me.

"We should do this more often," Kai told me.

"You mean having more vacations like this?" I inquired but Kai shook his head instead.

"Swim together." He answered. He would always ask me to join when he was swimming in the pool. I would usually decline him but recently I started to join him.

Then Kai took my arms and started swimming slowly from the shore.

"I'm not as strong a swimmer as you." Sirens can swim very fast since they have a very strong tail and it can become very hard to keep up with them. Though Kai swims carefully with me and the beautiful places that I'm sure I wouldn't be able to reach if I swam alone.

"Well, at least you have me." Kai smiled at me. We swam to the abandoned cave that we would always travel to. I often joked with Kai that this cave was good for sirens to hide since I don't think it was impossible for people to reach unless we hadn't explored the other exit.

It was almost evening when we returned. My muscles ache a little bit since I would either swim alone or hold on to Kai.

During the evening we would usually cook dinner together since we had more time and also we didn't bring any staff with us. Except we have a person who delivers the products to us.

Today we are cooking oven-baked chicken breast with rice.

At first, I didn't think that Kai could cook but then he reminded me of his adventurous past and how he depended on himself.

"I was doubtful at first that you can cook," Kai admitted as he cut the vegetables for the salad while I was putting rice in the rice maker and also looked down on the oven to see how the chicken was cooked. I didn't take his words to offense.

" When I lived in the Mediterranean Kingdom we would sometimes have cooking classes and it was a very fun class," I answered him.

I felt nostalgic about how my cousin and I worked together to make a beautiful cake that was similar in food magazines. Or as teenagers, we tried to make a different variety of sushi.

In the pack as a teenager, I never offered to help my stepmother help her in the kitchen because back then I hated her. In the packhouse, there are already pack members that are paid to cook in the kitchen so in adulthood I never had a chance to cook. In college, I would eat at restaurants since I was given plenty of allowances.

Now I enjoy cooking with Kai and learning new recipes.

In the end, the dish ended up being very delicious.

Once we cleaned the kitchen we went outside and sat on the lounge chair that was big enough for two people. I brought the Rose wine while Kai brought whiskey to drink while we enjoy the sunset and the night sky filled with stars.

"I wish we could stay a bit more in here but I know this is impossible" I sighed in the end but Kai smiled at me.

"If you want I'll make time so we can take vacations more often." Kai offered.

"Well, we will see about that since we will be very busy after this." I reminded Kai but he groaned as he remembered that there was still a lot of work left since Kai suddenly had to leave to suppress the rebellion.

We talked for a little bit more and the sky turned darker and I looked at the stars.

"I've read that sirens can find the reincarnation of the previous lovers," I told Kai out of a sudden. When I read the article I remembered the picture of the woman I saw in Kai's photo album.

I never asked him about previous lovers because firstly it was awkward and secondly, in return, he could also ask about Damien.

"Are you currently wondering if you might have been a reincarnation?" Kai asked as gently took a piece of hair and tucked it behind the ear.

"Am I?" I looked at him.

"Honestly I don't know, but it doesn't matter if you are, it won't change the fact I want you to become my eternal companion," Kai answered and he kissed my lips I could feel the whiskey in his breath.

We kissed for a little bit more before Kai stopped.

"Should we move it to the bedroom?" Kai seductively offered.

"Are you sure you are not too drunk for those activities?" I replied with the question.

"Well, you can always lead, my dearest wife." Kai purred.

It's not like I wanted to decline his offer.


Here is Chapter 38 I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter ^_^

That's the end of the second part in the novel now we are moving to the third part of the novel. 

Who is excited for the Queen's Selection? 

That's all and I will see you later alligators ^-^

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