Lay Me Down Chapter 29

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I sat outside on the porch waiting for Carter. We were going on—what I considered to be—our last date. He didn’t consider it that because he swore that he wasn’t going to forget about me, that he was going to call me every day. I chuckled. Those plans were going to be short lived. Once he got to college and started partying his thoughts would slip away from me. Girls would be throwing themselves at him since, and let's face it, he's a good looking guy . . . better words may be sexy as hell but that wasn’t the point. We were going to drift apart eventually and there was nothing that either one of us could do about it.

I tucked my hair behind my ear as the wind blew in out of place. The moon hung high in the sky as the sun danced it’s way to sleep creating a canvas of colors; it was a beautiful night to say the least.

I heard a car approaching. When I looked up to see Carter driving down the street I got up and started walking as he pulled into his driveway. I pulled open the door and got inside.

“Hey,” I said to him.

“Hey, you look nice,” he told me. I looked down at the lace purple top and the dark denim skirt that clung to my body.

“Thanks,” I said as I pulled my seatbelt on. “So are you going to tell me where we are going?”  

“You really want to know?” he asked. I nodded. “Just your basic regular dinner and a movie.” 

“You are lying Carter. You are not basic or regular.”

He laughed. “Well I guess you will just have to see when we get there.”  

“You are so mean,” I told him with a grin on my face.

“You love it though.”  

“You’re right,” I said leaning over and kissing him gently. I pulled back and he stared at me for a moment before averting his gaze and cranking up the car, driving us to an unknown destination.

 After a while of driving we ended up in the city. It was a Saturday night so the lights were bright. Carter ended up parking next to a very tall building.

“Where are we going?” I asked him as I got out the car.

“You’ll see.” He grabbed my hand and led me inside of the very tall building. It was very nice on the inside with a row of chandeliers hanging from the ceilings lighting the lounge and glistening across the marble floor. Carter pulled me towards an elevator and waited for it to come down to our level before he pressed the button. The elevator finally came and we stepped inside. Carter pressed the highest floor which was 33 when we got inside.

I was very curious to what he was doing. “Okay, spill it,” I said pinning him against the elevator wall.

“Oohh, feisty! Me like.” He grabbed my ass and pulling me closer to him. 

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