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I stayed in bed thinking and regretting, all of this was my fault and mine alone.

I didn't want to be killed by Mattheo or Voldemort so I decided that it's best to set things straight with him.

I was prepared for many things in life but apologies were not one of them, I was horrible at them so I never really said them.

Despite me not being good at them and not liking them in any way Mattheo was different and I didn't want to lose him, he was one of the only people that actually made me feel something in this life-sucking world and I wasn't going to throw that away.

I sat down at my desk got a roll of parchment and a fresh quill and started to write out some ideas, if I was going to make an apology I wasn't going to a) make myself look like an idiot or b) say something that would upset him.

I dipped my quill in my ink and started to write.


I stopped to think before writing again.

Mattheo, I'm sorry for all the pain I have caused you. I'm sorry for all of the stupid shit I've pulled and for getting mad with you...

"Ugh," I scribbled out the note and tried again.

Mattheo, I know things hasn't been good between us lately and I'm sorry for that, I have been distant and secretive and want to start over...

Once again I groaned and scribbled out the writing, the parchment sprung back into a roll and I slumped back into my chair. I watched the parchment silently roll off the table and land on the floor, I looked back up at my desk in concentration examining it closely.

I thought for a moment and then stood up and grabbed my wand, I thought about Mattheo and the danger I was putting myself in but I brushed those thoughts away.

At this point those were just thoughts. I didn't care about putting myself in danger now it's basically whether I die or don't die and I could care less if I did.

I closed my eyes and held out my wand, I heard the loud crack go through the air as I apparated to the Malfoy manor.

I appeared in his room, he wasn't there so I sat on his bed and waited for him to come back. I stared anxiously at the door waiting for him to open the doors and walk through and kept thinking about what I would say but nothing that appealed to me came to mind.

I waited about 15 minutes when the sound of the doorknob turning made my heart jump, he walked through the door and closed it then we made eye contact.

"Holy shit, y/n you scared me-" I didn't let him finish his sentence before I lunged myself onto him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I couldn't think of anything to say so I just hugged him in silence, words were overrated anyways.

He seemed surprised at this but after a couple seconds he hugged me back, his tense shoulders loosened and it seemed like the entire world just melted away, there was nothing except Mattheo and I.

I shut my eyes tight to hold back the tears, and finally built up the courage to break the silence.

"I'm sorry," I spoke softly through sniffles and hugged him tighter. I couldn't see his face but I could tell that he was in shock, those are words I never thought would come out of my mouth and certainly weren't what Mattheo expected.

"I'm sorry too," Mattheo finally spoke. When I heard this it was like all of my senses suddenly heightened, the hug broke and Mattheo and I looked into each other's eyes still holding one another.

"I know that apologies aren't either of our things but I think that this is more important than a that and we need to talk."

I nodded and then we sat down on his bed.

I stared at the floor and then spoke, "Mattheo I don't know what came over me and I let my anger get the best of me, I never meant to hurt you and I really wish that things could just go back to the way they were before all this," I paused and shyly looked at him. "I understand if you don't want to and if you just want to be done with me and whatever this is between us but just know that I really do love you more than words can describe."

"Y/n," Mattheo started, "I want nothing less than to be with you, I love you and will never stop. All I have ever wanted since the beginning of this is to be with you. I feel that this is mostly my fault," he paused and looked deep into my eyes, guilt filling them.

"My father gave me the order that night to stab you, It was never meant to kill you only to take your wand less magic away. I didn't want to but he insisted and said he would disown me if I didn't, I think he was afraid that you would be more powerful than him and was scared, I would have never done that but if it weren't for him, I understand that no amount of apologies can fix what I did or make anything right but just know that when I say this I mean every word of it."

We looked deep into each other's eyes, my eyes watered up and I hugged him as tight as I could, he hugged me back and we both knew that it was meant to be.

Mattheo and I hugged for a while longer then got into a more comfortable position, I rested my head on his chest and played with his rings and he watched mesmerized.

There was a feeling so strong inside of me of relief, finally after all these months we were together again in a state of peace.

No fighting or arguing, nothing. This is what I had craved for so long, I couldn't have asked for anything more, now I was the happiest I had ever been.

I was surrounded by people who love me unconditionally, people who I would trust with my life and people who would never give up on me and who I would never give up on.

As I rest my head on Mattheo's chest I felt safe and I wouldn't have it any other way, nothing could compare to this moment.

Hi everyone! That is the end of my story and I hope that you liked it, if you are interested I am writing another book about love between y/n and Fred Weasley. It will be released with multiple parts at a time instead of one part each time, and the first 5 are out now! I am so excited and can't wait for all of you to read it! Please lmk if you have any ideas or suggestions for any other books you want me to write, bye!

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