Chapter 15

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Sonakshi's POV:
The rays of sunlight passing through my window were disturbing my sleep.I groaned in frustration as I want to sleep more.After sometime the alarm buzzed again and i woke up.After sitting for a while,I remembered the events of last night and a smile made it's way to my lips.He was such sweet towards me,
.. hmm.. can't he be always like this with me........ Just a second... I think I slept in the car but when did I come here, I am confused.I ignored this thought as I was getting late for the work.I got ready and went towards the dining area.Anita Aunty prepared the breakfast for me,I was eating it but my mind was in other thoughts.Where is Mr.Verma?I didn't saw him?Did he went to his office?Did he had his breakfast?All this thoughts were moving in my mind.When Anita aunty suddenly broke the chain of my thoughts "Sir left early in the morning,he had some important work.... He didn't even had his breakfast"she said.

"Oh... So he usually skips his breakfast like this"I asked her.

"Yes he does,when there is some important work he even skip's his dinner at night... I know it because when I come next day to work the dinner I made,is as it is....he is really careless"she said.

"Hmm.."is all I said.

He is really careless.He should not ignore his meals just for the sake of work.I need to do something.... Hmm... Yeah today I will prepare dinner for him.Yes it is perfect.

"Anita Aunty today you don't need to prepare the dinner... I will do that and you can have a leave for rest of the day" I said to her.

"But Sonakshi ,Sir don't..... " She was saying something but I interupped"Aunty don't worry...I will manage everything... I need to leave now it's getting late... Bye"
I made my way out to the door.
In the evening:

I was happily looking at the food items I made today.He is going to like it a lot.I made Jeera Rice,Butter Chicken,Prawn Curry,Chicken fry,Chicken lollipops and Roti.Gulabjamu was also made as a sweet dish.I was just placing everything on the table when I heard the sound of opening of the door.I think he is here.... So I placed the remaining things of the table and went to fetch some water.I returned after filling the water in the jar and I saw Mr.Verma was already present there.He was opening the lids of all the containers and seeing the food inside it.A small smile crept on my lips,I went near the table and placed the jar on the table which grabbed his attention.

"This isn't my food,didn't Mrs.Anita prepared my diet food" He asked me coldly.

I smiled and said"No... actually I gave her a leave"

"Why so? "he asked looking annoyed.

I said"Actually... You didn't had your breakfast in the morning and Aunty said that you sometimes skip your meals while working continuously, so I thought to prepare the dinner for you....... Hmm.. You shouldn't skip your meals like this, your health may....... " I was interrupted by him.

"Shut up... Just shut up"he spoke while angrily getting up from his chair.

"But I was just.... "I tried to say something only to get interrupted by him again.

"Don't speak.... What you think of yourself haa?You think that if you do such things then I will praise you... You know from the very beginning that our relationship is fake,so why are acting like a goody wife.... I don't need your concern"he spatted angrily at me and I was on the verge of crying.He turned around but stopped and said"And one more thing,next time you can't allow my staff to take a leave just because you want it"

Saying that he turned around again and went towards his room.I bursted in tears as soon as he left.I was so wrong to think that he was changed.I came home early just to prepare the food for him and he didn't even touched the food.I was really crying hard,I am so stupid to do something for that man.

After sometime I gathered myself together.I just lost my appetite,so I packed the food in some of the plastic containers and went to ground floor of the building.

"Uncle can you just give this food to the poor people who sit across the streets" I asked one of the security guard.

"Yes,Sure ma'am I will do it" he said with a smile.

I nodded my head and turned towards the elevator.After reaching the apartment I went directly to my room.I was really hurt by his today's behavior.I won't do anything for him from now on.I went and slept on my bed.
Pranit's POV:
I hurriedly went inside my room after scolding her.What does she thinks of herself? I already made things clear about our relationship then why is she doing such nonsense things.I was already in the bad mood because of the drama which was created in my office today.


Few hours before:
I was totally engrossed in work as there were bunch of files I needed to check.Suddenly a knock on the door broke my concentration.

I said "Come in"

My P.A. Raj entered into my cabin and came and stood beside my desk.

"Sir Mr.Khurana is here,he wants to meet you" he said.

What is he doing here?That man is trouble maker.

"Does he have any valid reason to meet me?" I asked.

"Yeah he says he wants to discuss about business" Raj replied.

I annoyingly replied "Fine... Let him in"

Raj nodded his head and went out.After sometime Mr.Khurana entered my cabin with a smrik.

"Hello Mr.Verma,It's nice to meet you again" he said while taking a seat.

"Yeah nice to meet you too" I replied sarcastically.

"By the way... Congratulations Mr.Verma for your wedding,why didn't you invite me?" he said.

"Thanks" I said monotonously ignoring his question.

He replied while smriking"Well your wife is quite hot and.... " I interrupted him"Dare you say something about her and I will kill you"

I was boiling in anger and was trying so hard to not punch him on his face.

"O....Cool down man, actually I was just stating the reality..... Well now I know that Mr.Verma has a weakness and that is none other than his hot wife" he said while making me more angry.

I stood up from my chair and said furiously"She is not my weakness.... There is no person in this world who is my weakness... She is just my responsibility and I take my responsibilities very seriously so you better stop thinking all this stuff...... And last but not least... Get lost "

He too stood up and said "Ok then.. I am leaving but don't think that I believe all this stuff... I know you care for her and I will surely use her against you"

He went out of my cabin.As soon as he left I broke the glass which was kept on my desk by throwing it furiously.
I don't want any weakness in my life.I am strong and I am enough.I don't want others to think that she is my weakness.I don't want others to take my advantage just because of my weakness.I want her to stay away from my life.It is better to be away from her.I am just going to ignore her prescence in my life.

I was really hungry as I didn't even ate my lunch.So I went out to the kitchen after sometime.Sonakshi wasn't anywhere,I drank a glass of milk and ate an apple.Hmm... The food she made was smelling like heaven but I just can't melt down in front of her.I am strong enough.

I returned to my room,took the piles and slept on my bed.
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