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LOCATION TAG: ibiza, spain

LOCATION TAG: ibiza, spain

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liked by CARAREED and 385 others

QUEENIEGEORGE    day one !!!

view all 10 comments

LANDONORRIS    i- wow 😳
CARAREED not lando being horny
     on the tl
CARAREED wtf lando norris just
told me to unalive myself 😨

LOLAOLIVIA    mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy?

CARAREED    ibiza just got hotter
QUEENIEGEORGE    dont be silly

MAXFEWTRELL   oh to be abroad rn
QUEENIEGEORGE    u literally go on hol
next week
MAXFEWTRELL   so near yet so far

MAXFEWTRELL   oh to be abroad rn↳ QUEENIEGEORGE    u literally go on hol     next week    ↳ MAXFEWTRELL    so near yet so far

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The twenty-one-year-old opens one eye as she peaks at her best friend in the pool at the sound of her name being called.

Lola has been trying her hardest to sunbathe practically since the trio stepped off of the plane that afternoon. Queenie has been doing the same, only not feeling the heat as much as the lighter-skinned brunette as she floats in the pool rather than resting on one of the beds. Cara has been alternating between the pool and the beds, passing comments about feeling like she's 'sweating [her] boobs off' every so often.

Lola hums in response, squinting under the light of the sun as she opens both eyes and sits up slightly to get a better look at her friend.

"Do you get much hate from your account being public with us being friends with Lando?" Queenie asks.

Lola has to stop herself from smirking. "Why do you ask?"

Queenie rolls her eyes. "No reason."

"Are you weighing up whether it's easier hiding away from Lando's crazy fans or embracing them?" Cara asks from the bed beside Lola, her tone light and teasing.

"No," Queenie pouts. "I'm just getting tired of all the follow requests."

Lola and Cara are unconvinced but neither continue to tease... they try not to, at least.

"It doesn't really affect me because Lando and me are just friends—not even that, to be completely honest," Lola replies with a shrug. "It might be different for you considering you're basically married to the man."

Queenie rolls her eyes at her friend's exaggeration. "We're just friends."

"For now." Cara smirks.

"I was asking because I was thinking, like, I don't know," Queenie struggles to explain what she's feeling. "What if I don't want to be forced to have all of my accounts private forever? I feel like I have to though in case I'm completely incinerated by some fourteen-year-old who hates anyone with a vagina being around Lando."

"That's understandable." Cara shrugs.

"It's what comes with being friends with someone in the public eye though," Lola frowns. "Especially one as big as him. I think even if you cut him off now, some of his fans would still follow us for however long after."

Cara nods, pointing towards her friend as if the motion counts as an extra agreement. "Lola's right," She says. "It's kind of unavoidable now."

Queenie pouts in defeat, leaning back and continuing her floating-sunbathe method. She doesn't want to give up her friendship with Lando—she loves every single bit of it—but she also doesn't want to feel trapped. She recognises that she may be overreacting; she could easily make a second private account where she can post whatever she wants and open her current accounts to the public to stop the constant dm's asking who she is or the forever increasing follow requests.

At the same time, Queenie can't really see a reason why she should force herself onto another account just to hide from hate but to still feel like she can breathe on her social media. It doesn't seem fair to her.

"Look at you overthinking a relationship you're not even in yet," Cara jokes, snorting when Queenie responds immediately by shoving a bunch of water out of the pool in the blonde's direction. "Just breathe, woman. If you like Lando, platonic or not, you shouldn't let anything else get in the way. What do some people behind screens know about you or Lando or us?"

Queenie sighs. "Nothing, I guess."

Cara imitates a bell as if Queenie got the correct answer. "Nothing," She repeats. "Just enjoy life, Queens. You don't have to lawyer-brain everything."

Lola laughs from beside Cara. "Lawyer-brain?"

"Yeah," Cara defends, a confused grin on her face as she watches her two friends giggle at her. "Like critically analyse things."

"You should petition for that to be added to the dictionary." Lola counters, her chuckles never stopping.

"Maybe I will."

Queenie watches her two friends in pure happiness, her thoughts of Lando and his questionable fanbase pushing to the back of her head.

She can overthink it all later.

can some of u pls let me know if u would
prefer this book to be 100 chapters long
(potentially) or would u prefer for it to be split
in the middle bc i dont want to start boring people
but idk whether some of u will move onto the
second book or not if that makes sense??

if i were to split the book, it would be at a
quite spicy point between chapters 50-60

let me know what i should do!

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