29: Xiao Zihao

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After Jianyu left the emperor got up then magically changed into something to comfy and easy to move in.

"Xiao Zihao what are you doing?" Xian asked

"I'm going to the fairy realm" the emperor said


"Gift for yu'er" he said

"Oh I see.... wait what?! Your not planning on giving him a fairy are you?!"


The emperor teleported out of the room and Xian followed behind.

"Your crazy his too young and has yet to cultivate are you mad he can't tame something like that!?" Xian said matching behind

"I tamed heavenly lion when young how is it hard for him to tame such freckle creatures"

"Again let me remind you, you were raised by dragons heavenly emperor dragon not humans you are a powerful entity they are not" Xian lectures

"Yet I can't heal Jie'er" he said

"You and I took restrictions when entering the human realm you know that you are equivalent to a God in the heavenly realm and you are an immortal once you become apart of the heavens when you enter the human realm half her powers will be deducted and you will live as human that's the deal" Xian said.

It's true the emperor was already long passed immortality stage but since entering the human realm his been pushed back to Martial grandmaster which was infuriating he hated the rules but it's these types of rules that kept the world intact.

Soon a portal opens and both entered soon the bright light of the fairy realm engulfed them and they soon saw the magnificent pinkish clouds the emperor took out an artifact from his space ring it was an hour glass he spin it then it disappeared, this was no ordinary hour glass it was an hour glass that kept the human realm time in check since heavenly time and fairy realm time where the same a day here was infact a year in the human realm.

"Xiao Zihao you really should change your mind about this" Xian said

"I'll ask the ruler" the emperor said

An awkward sweat fell at Xian's cheek now that the restriction was off him it meant Zihao could do whatever he wanted without worrying about completely damaging his cultivation roots it's probably already heal right now.

Zihao was powerful and heavily spoiled by the heavenly emperor dragon and empress dragon so no matter what chaos Zihao had arise he brushed them off as nothing it was probably due to pity or they where just naturally found of him but they had love him as there own.

When the fairy king witnessed Zihao entering his face flushed all colors not him not the devil's spawn please God no that was all that was running threw his mind.

The fairy king had heard he went to the human realm and not expecting him to return for about the next month or so but here he was.

"W-what do you want?!" He exclaimed

"I want a cub" he said

"Cub?! My cub are you crazy why would I give my offspring" he panicked

"Your majesty your mistaken he doesn't want your offspring what he want is a baby cub to give to his son" Xian said

"Fluffy intelligent"

"Make sure it's fluffy cute and intelligent make sure when it grows it becomes powerful" Xian said.


"And he wants it now since time is not on our hands" Xian smiled

This kind of demand was a bit too much but what can he do Zihao was the favor adopted son of the heavenly dragon emperor and empress it's bad enough to offend such a powerful been as Zihao himself but his parents it's courting death, the fairy king had no choice but to suck it up and give in to their demands.

(Y'all must be wondering if he was so powerful in the other realms why not take Ning jie there and heal him well that's another heavenly rule cultivators can't enter the other realms until the atlease reach immortality stage and reason why the young emperor could enter it was because of his karma or destiny or something like that only his adopted parents along with Xian can tell his mood and sometimes the little bun)

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