20: Fever

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Sorry for the mistakes.

Nandini's pov


That's what I felt everywhere. My whole body was aching like anything, while the most prominent one was my head.

It felt like a heavy brick is kept on my head and my body have lost all the strength

My legs, hands, waist, all my body was aching like anything, I was feeling cold. Even though I was covered with a blanket from head to toe, still I was shivering.

Slowly opening my eyes, I tried to see time but my head was so heavy that I couldn't do anything other than holding my head with both my hands.

Giving myself a minute or two, I looked at the wall clock to see it was 11 in the morning.

Waking up at 11 is kinda early for me, when I have an off the next day.

Turning around with a lot of difficulty, I found no one on the bed or on the floor where the mattress were laid.

Because our flat have only 2 rooms, so mattresses were laid on the floor for me, Manik and our friends to sleep. Mumma and Mom, were in Mumma's room.

I was feeling dizzy, when I tried to sit. After a little difficulty, I sat and touched my forehead to realise I have fever, high fever.

Closing my eyes, I tried to remember what happened last night, but nothing came in my mind. The last thing I remember was drinking the vodka, after that everything is plainly blank.

Keeping aside my thoughts, I picked up my phone to call my mother, so that she can come, but she never picked the call.

Whenever I get sick, I need my mother to babysit me like a 4 year old. No matter how much I argue with her, I need her.

Deciding to find out where is she, I stood up and take a step, only to yelp in pain.

That's when I remembered, the sit-ups I did yesterday, which made my muscles sore.

Not bothering much about the pain, I went out of the room in baby steps to find my mother, only to see Manik and his friends sitting in the living area. My friends and Mumma were no where to be seen

I wasn't feeling well from inside, so I didn't took much heed to them. Seeing me there and that too walking with a great difficulty, Cabir commented "Manik, she can't walk because of you. You should be gentle to her "

The living room filled with laughter, hoot and teases because of Cabir's double meaning comment.

Ignoring their teasing faces, I asked in a low hoarse voice " where is my Mumma? "

" She went somewhere with Neyo Aunty " Mukti informed that made me angry

I kept standing there, even though it felt like I'll pass out anytime.

" Nandini, you okay?" Alya asked coming towards me

I nodded a little, but she touched my arms, only to check my cheeks and forehead

" Oh God! You're burning in Fever" she looked tensed

" No, I'm fine " I muttered a little

" Nandini, You need to lay down" Cabir expressed his worry

" No, I want my Mumma " I murmured in an almost inaudible voice

" Wait, let me call, Neyo Aunty " Mukti offered

" She's calling. Now come and sit on the couch" I heard Manik's voice behind me only to realise he has also stood up from his place.

" No " I muttered

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