37// walk with Apollo

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I'm sorry in advance <3

I'm sorry in advance <3

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What the hell?

Normally this would be one of the mornings when you wake up and feel like shit. But weirdly, it's even worse today.

I feel weird and my head hurts like a fucking bitch and I feel sour everywhere.

I think I might vomit any moment now. 

Let's find a toilet and live there for a few hours.

My head hurts even more as I tried to open my eyes. Everything is dark and I have this weird gut feeling. 

Something is not right.

What happened? And where the hell am I?

"Wakey wakey." A voice laughed and my eyes sprung open.


Please, god no.

"God, your reaction was priceless!" He laughed.

"Logan." I whispered out. There's no way he-

"Who else?" He rolled his eyes. Fuck.

"What do you want? How the hell did you escape court?" I said more confident now. Okay, we need to escape this situation right now.

"Oh, the bitch has an attitude now? I guess we'll need to work on that one." He smiled and I gulped. "And the answer to your last question is easy. You see, not everyone you know is trustworthy." He winked and I narrowed my eyes in confusing.

There's no time for this-

"How did I get here? What do you want?" I asked again as I tried to back up, only to see my wrists are connected to the wall. Shit, this is not good.

"You don't remember? I must have used a bit too much drugs, whoops my bad." He laughed and I cringed.

Fucking psycho.

I tried to concentrate but nothing comes to my mind.

"Does a walk with the dog helps?" He laughed and everything came back.

A few hours earlier...

Day one of being here and I'm already bored.

I was scrolling on Netflix but nothing seemed to catch my eye. What's the point of even searching further?

My door opens softly and closes again.

"Hey there! We thought you might need to company." Matteo and Riccardo smiled and I smiled back.

"I think I never felt this bored." I sighed dramatically what made them laugh.

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