Chapter 33

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We stand in the hallway and the doctor smiles at me softly, "Hi, we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Doctor Nikuru. I'll be Echo's primary doctor. I'm assuming you're the boyfriend?"

I nod, "I'm Shade. Yeah. How'd you know I'm her boyfriend?"

"The police told me. We got the whole story of how you called them and were there when they arrived. They told me you wouldn't leave her side. She's lucky to have you, and so is that little boy."

I try to keep my lip from quivering as my voice breaks, "I love her."

She smiles in understanding, "Being that the rest of her family is out of the picture, obviously, I signed off that you be her primary family contact. I hope that's alright. I figured you seem to be the closest thing to family she's got."

My heart swells at the gesture. In books and movies, it's always portrayed as such a problem for friends to visit their loved ones in hospitals because of some stuck up nurse at the front desk, but she just made that all go away, "Thank you."

She continues, sighing as she glances at her clipboard, "About her injuries. She has a concussion. Two cracked ribs. Bruised torso and legs. A shallow stab wound on her stomach. There were also signs of...groping. Her chest area was bruised with hand prints."

She pauses, letting me take it in. My fists clench and all I can see is red hot rage, "I'm going to kill that bastard for laying a hand on her."

She steadies my anger with a slight touch of her hand to my arm, "Easy now dear. I know it's hard to hear. But she will be alright. Her injuries will heal. The critical stage has passed. The internal bleeding was taken care of. She just needs to rest, and have lots of vitamins to heal those bruises and wounds quickly. If there's anyone else you'd like to call to see her, she can be visited now. And you, you can also go into her room now if you'd like."

I nod gratefully and go back to Austin. I bend to one knee in front of him and push his hair out of his face gently, "Hey bud. You want to go in?"

"Okay," he whispers and gets up. 

He slips his hand into mine and squeezes. I take a deep breath as I open the door. The beeping of the machines hits me first as I look around the white room. It's pretty much exactly like how it is in movies. 

I inhale sharply when I see her. She looks so...defeated. Broken. Her face is pale and bruised. Tubes go out of her body in every direction. Austin lets go of my hand and tries to climb onto the bed to lay next to her but I quickly pull him off, "Careful buddy."

"Sorry," he says, tears in his eyes. 

"It's okay, but she can't have people climbing on her right now. We need to be gentle. Understand?" I tell him quietly. 

He nods and watches her from the edge of the bed. I leave Austin in the room for a few minutes while I make a few phone calls. I call my mom first. I called her a few hours ago and let her know what happened. But now I need to ask her some favors. She's the kindest person I know, and she loves Echo like her own daughter, so I'm sure she'll say yes. 

When I'm done talking to her, I text the group chat and fill them in. They all quickly respond they'll be right there. 

"Shade!" I hear Kevin's voice boom from down the hall. 

I turn to face the sound and see all four of them racing down the hallway. I nearly lose it when I see them. They stop in front of me. The girls are holding a few balloons and Kevin and Nik are holding bags of snacks. 

I fill them in on the details and when I'm done, Kevin breaths, "Shit."

"Is she gonna be okay?" Nik asks. 

I nod, "The doctor says she will. We can go see her if you want."

They follow me in to the room where Austin is asleep in a chair. I lift him up and hold him on my side. He shifts and puts his head on my shoulder, wrapping his arms around my neck but not waking up. I rub his back softly as he sleeps. 

By the time they all leave, setting their gifts on the table in her room, my mom is coming in. I'm still holding Austin, who's still asleep in my arms. 

She hugs me and frowns at Echo, "Poor child. It's horrible that anyone could do that to their children."

I nod in agreement, trying not to cringe at the memory of her bruised body. 

She puts a hand on my shoulder, "I worked it out with CPS. Your dad helped me clear out your brothers rooms for them. Your sister still comes back a lot from college, so we left her room. Echo can use it when she's not home, and when she is, she can stay in your room for a few nights. Just...don't make me a grandma too soon."

My face flashes red, "God Mom. We don't do that kind of stuff."

"Sure, sure. That's what they all say and then before you know it, I'll have another kid running around the house."

I clear my throat, "Anyway. Are you sure it's okay they all live with us?"

She smiles assuringly, "Of course. Echo's a great girl. You'll both be in college in a few months anyway. Then it'll just be the boys. And hey, what's two more boys after so many anyway? I was getting empty nest syndrome already and you aren't even gone yet. This'll be good for me. I love being a mom. Now I'll get to do that for two little boys again. It'll be nice to have kids in the house again."

I hug her tightly, "Can you take Austin home?"

"Yeah. You should come too. Get some sleep in a real bed. I'll make a good meal for us all."

I shake Austin awake gently and set him down but shake my head, "I don't want to leave her. Please? Can I stay?"

"Okay, we'll come back tomorrow. I'll bring you some good food."

"Thanks Mom," I smile and turn to Austin, "You're gonna live with me and my parents from now on, okay? So is Gabe and Echo, when she wakes up. I'm going to stay here until she wakes up, I'll take good care of her. Can you go to my house with my mom and get some sleep?"

"Okay Coach," he says, rubbing his eyes, still half asleep. My mom takes his hand and leads him away. 

I go back into the room and pull a chair up to her bed. I brush a finger along the side of her face gently, "I love you. Come back to me."

An Echo in the Windजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें