11 [ child ]

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Siah's POV

I'm now in the hallway walking while carrying axle who's still sleeping but already changed his clothes when i heard some maids are talking

I was about to passed them by but stops midway when i heard it's about zach

"I heard his highness is gay"

"Do you believed that thing? Of course not! He already have a fiance"

Fiance-- oh i see, so the princess from the other kingdom is really his fiance, i thought i already changed the plot from the game

Zach needs a queen who can help him to maintain the kingdom and also to secure each other's kingdoms, at the otome game zach and the princess married each other for that purpose

The past queen already has past away due to an incurable disease she got back then

"He does have a fiance?? I thought it was just a rumor!"

"You should believe me! Earlier i saw the princess's carriage in front of the palace. I bet they'll announce about their engagement--"

I started to walk without hearing it completely, i just dont feel like it and i dont know why

I went straight to the couch with table, i sat down then placed axle on my lap. While we're waiting axle is already awake and eating a dessert

A piece of an icing is stuck on the side of his mouth, i chuckled and cleaned it while he's munching and can't take his eyes off of the cupcake

I helped him to eat properly to avoid being messy since the event will only start on a few minutes

I heard an announcement that the princess is already outside the door, as they opened it the princess entered and many people bowed at her but im not since im still helping axle at his food

She entered gracefully and walks towards us, she stops in front of me so i stood up while still carrying axle then bowed a little as a respect

She nodded at me then looks at axle and smiles "Hello axle, im princess amethyst your future step mother"

Axle only looks at her then looks at me and tightened his grip on my clothes

"Im sorry princess, it seems the young prince is still shy towards the strangers" i said sincerely

She raised her eyebrow "stranger? Ha! Im the future queen why would he think that"

I pursed my lips and averts my eyes, i didn't responded to her tantrums until she gave up and sat on the chair in front of us

I heard murmurs around us but i ignored it and only focused on the princess and axle


Amethyst signals siah to sit down and siah obeyed it, the awkward silence between them broke apart when they heard the announcement that the King is already entering the hall that took their attentions

The king went straight in front of his throne, he stood up elegantly and cleared his throat

Zach gave a small speech and after that you can heard a loud yet pleasing clap sounds from the nobles until zach signals them to stop and continued his speech

"And i also like to announce to all of you that the rumors about the engagement between Princess Amethyst and I aren't true, that's all" zach left his throne and started to walk towards the place where siah, axle and amethyst at

And again, only the murmurs can be heard

They didn't noticed the clenching fist of amethyst and her flushed face while her eyes is already teary but she cant do anything about it. Zach, the king already announced it unexpectedly and she doesn't want to embarrass her self more so she stayed still

This sight made siah felt sad for her but at the same time he felt relieved for no reason. Siah feels it was wrong that he felt that so when zach is almost near them siah placed axle on amethyst side

"Prince i should go now, i need to do something" siah smiled at axle softly which makes axle didn't hesitated to nod at him

Siah left and when he looks back he saw the three of them, they look peaceful and pleasing to the eyes but not for siah

He felt his heart skipped for a bit, a pang made his heart aches. Siah immediately left the place until he's already on the garden

He sat down on a bench beside the large bushes, the music can still be heard but it matches the cold and windy air

He placed his knee on his chest and burying his face on his knee, he wondered why he felt that, he asks himself why and when did he started to feel something about them, him

He thought he shouldn't have this kind of feeling, he thought what if he'll go back to his old world? what should he do

He stayed quiet and calmed his mind, when he looked up he felt a liquid on his cheeks. He touched it and suddenly realized it was tears that made him stops moving

He was in a daze when he heard a footsteps, he fixed his self up and was about to stand to leave when a guy suddenly spoke to him

Red short hair and a bloody-like red eyes, a beautiful young man staring at him looking so cheerfully, total opposite of the king

Siah realized that the guy is also a prince because of the clothes he wore plus he saw him at the game

The young man smiled at siah and reached out his hand while bowing a little "Im the prince from the east, you can call me noel"

Siah suddenly stood up then bowed as a sign of respect but he didn't accepted noel's hand to handshake since he's only a 'mere servant'

Noel understood it and retreated his hand back "what's your name??" He asked while smiling cheerfully

Siah chuckled as he thought that the prince is like a child tho they look like they were in the same age "im siah, your highness" siah smiled softly that made noel frozed a bit but smiled again reaching to his ears

"Then siah, call me by my nameee pleasee~" noel acts more like a child and since he has a baby face he does looks like one

Siah chuckled at this sight then nods at him, for some reason he felt comfortable at noel maybe it was because he seems like a child to his eyes

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