Chapter 30

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Julia's P.O.V

"So you're seriously going to that party with Aaron?" Leah asked me on the phone on my way home.

"I guess so." I replied nonchalantly.

"I'm glad that you've finally decided to attend a party, but are you sure that you want to go with Aaron?"

"I'll have you." I said in a 'duh' tone. "So why are you stressing?" I asked.

"I'm not going. I'm going to my aunt's, and I'm coming back on Saturday morning." she said.

"And you didn't think of telling me this when Aaron asked me out?" I asked.

"I completely forgot about it. Sorry." she chuckled.

"It's fine."

"Just be careful Julia."

"It's not even Friday yet, and you're already telling me to be careful." I chuckled.

"Just saying."

"Okay. Anyways, bye." I said to her.


I park the car in the garage and walk inside the house.

"Aren't you supposed to be out?" I asked Sandra. "You're always out on a date on Wednesdays."

"Hello to you too." she uttered, not looking at me.

"Hi." I muttered.

"I didn't go out because no one asked me out." she said.

"Oh." I replied, not knowing what to say to her. I head upstairs and start with my homework.



"You ready for tonight?" Aaron whispered in literature class whilst I was busy making notes of what Mr Rogers was saying.

"Yeah, I guess." I replied, trying to focus on what Mr Rogers was saying.

"Are you-" he said but I cut him off.

"Can you please quiet down until he's done speaking?" I asked him, and then continued making notes.

"Sorry." he whispered back.

"So that is what you guys have to study for the upcoming test." Mr Rogers finished, and I stopped making notes.

"Sorry for biting your head off. What were you going to ask me?" I asked whilst packing my books.

"No worries. What was he talking about?" he asked, referring to Mr Rogers.

"You weren't listening?" I asked him.

"The whole reason why I decided to sit next to you, is because I want you to be my eyes and ears in this class." he said and I look at him in confusion.

"He said we'll be writing test next week. I'll send you all the details this afternoon." I said to him reluctantly.

"Okay. So I was about to say something, before you bit my head off." he said, putting emphasis on the last part.

"And I apologised for it." I said, emphasizing my words as well.

"Anyways, I'll fetch you at around 5pm." he said.

"I have a car." I said, walking beside him on our way to the door.

"You're my plus one, so we're supposed to arrive together. That's the whole reason why I asked you out." he said in a 'duh' tone.

"I don't want people talking." I said to him.

"Do you always care about what people think or say about you?" he asked.

"Don't you?"

"No." he chuckled. "If I worried too much about society, then I wouldn't be where I am today." he smiled.

"Where did you read that?" I asked him, referring to the last part of his statement.

"Nowhere. I'm a wise man." he smirked.

"Okay." I chuckled. "I guess you're right. Fine, you'll pick me up at 5pm." I said to him.

"And wear a dress, or a skirt." he said.

"What? No ways." I retorted.

"Come on nerd, please. Do it for me." he pleaded.

"I'd rather wear jeans, that will suffice. I am definitely not wearing a dress or a skirt." I replied.

"Fine, it will suffice." he said, rolling his eyes. "Wear those jeans with a tank top." he whispered in my ear.

"Nope. Jeans with a shirt."

"Do you always have to be such a party pooper?" he whined and I chuckled in response.

We both enter the cafeteria and head to the table that they normally sit around.

"Hey guys." I greeted them amiably and Chad was the only one who replied, returning the grin.

"One day, you will wear a dress or a skirt when I ask you too." he whispered after we both sat down.

"We'll see. We'll see about that." I smiled.

"We'll see about what now?" Chad asked.

"Your friend over here..." I said, pointing Aaron with my thumb. "...wants me to wear a dress, and I said no."

"It's a good thing you refused, because I definitely don't want to see those chicken legs of yours again." Britney said, not looking at me.

"Shut the f*ck up B! I've had it with you. You always lash out on her and it's enough. If you have nothing good to say about her, then shut the f*ck up. Or you can shove your nasty comments down there, where the sun doesn't shine." Aaron scoffed.


"Did you just tell me to shut the f*ck up?" she asked him, giving him a stern look.

"Yes, I did." he replied.

"Just because Ms Smarty-pants is in your life now, it doesn't mean you can talk to me like that. Get that!" she retorted and abruptly stood up from her chair, and heads out of the cafeteria with the girls following behind.

"That was a bit harsh." I said to him.

"Well, she had to hear it." he replied, not looking at me.

"True. But she's your friend, she has always been. So don't ruin your friendship with her because of me." I said truthfully. "And besides, a wise man told me not to worry too much about society, so I don't really care about what she says." I added, referring to what he said on our way here.

"She's wrong, and she needs to realize that." he muttered.

"Do you want to lose her because of this? No, right?" I asked rhetorically. "Please go and apologize." I told him.

"I'm eating, I'll do that later." he said, showing me his sandwich.

"Fine." I replied.


Sorry for the boring chapter guys.

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