Chapter 3

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Leyla's POV

I don't know what gotten into me, I scream at Winger for no reason... he was just telling to go to Huttsgalor because they need my help alongside with Dak. He was also making sure that I am ok. But turns out I wasn't.
Did Magnus really got into my head. Is it about the path. Well my body gives me a weird vibes. It neither my path or.... Dad, Winger's father.
I don't even know now. My life already been confusing. I needed to be alone for some time. I don't think I feel ready to go back. I guess this is it... I'm running away for real?

End of POV

Leyla soon walk away from Huttsgalor and walk to the deep end of the island where nobody could find her.

Next day in the morning, Leyla didn't return. Winger's mother and rescue riders gather up in Huttsgalor with other people even Duggard.

Dak: ok guys, Aggro and Burple will get other dragons to come here to find Leyla.

Duggard: got all of people alert to find her also is there any reason why she ran away?

Dak: I don't know, Winger already out and looking for her. I don't know what happen and why she did.

As they nodded for bit.

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